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12 yrs ago
What options are there on HK Island at this budget that would be a good buy? Not interested in walk-ups as want a place that has management
Any suggestions welcome
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12 yrs ago
yes... good question .. less than 3.5m. Small ok as just need a base
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12 yrs ago
yes... good question .. less than 3.5m. Small ok as just need a base
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Not much at all.
It is very hard to find anything on HK Island at less than $7,000, even in Dumps like Fortress Hill.
(Sorry, Lloyd, but that's the first impression that FH gives, until you take the elevator up to the newer areas.)
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Try Wang Fai Mansion, Wang On Road, Fortress Hill (directly behind the AIA building and near the Harbour Grand hotel). The flats there are small and the lay-out is okay. There is a lift and it is well-managed. They are just renovating the outside at the moment. The Oil Street development is going up next door so there is quite a bit of upside location-wise (for the record I don't own there but it is in my neighbourhood and I have seen one of the flats). The shops on Wang On Road will probably go up more upmarket when it is completed. OTP. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I suppose I have been in HK too long. I really like Fortress Hill. See map,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1357316858,d.cGE&biw=1103&bih=882&q=electric+road+hong+kong&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x34040101c00ac0a9:0x510583d0b51944b5,Electric+Rd,+Hong+Kong&gl=sg&sa=X&ei=i5nrUNb9KYWWiALDoYCIDA&ved=0CIkBELYD
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"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I suppose I have been in HK too long. I really like Fortress Hill."
I like it too... From the higher road, above the station.
The older area looks like an older area - I suppose that should be no surprise.
The new building coming to Oil Street may start to change that.
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