Bias Poll rigged: Enjoy the Show?

Posted by OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
/ Bias Poll rigged: Enjoy the Show? /

(Note: Original Title was changed, to reflect the real story revealed by the Poll article: Bias in the Media. Maybe we can discuss this while the HK property market is quiet... and eventually get round to how the media spins news to influence the property market.)


Are HK People "Racially intolerant" -

when it comes to whom they will accept as neighbors?

They say THIS but...

"The country with the highest proportion of 'intolerant' people who wanted neighbours similar to them was Hong Kong, where 71.8 per cent of the population would refuse to live next to someone of a different race.

Next were Bangladesh on 71.7 per cent, Jordan on 51.4 per cent and India with 43.5 per cent.

Intolerant: A survey found that Hong Kong had the most people professing racist views of any country"


Read more: Map shows world's most racist countries (and the answers may surprise you) |


It is a nonsense imho!

I live in HK, and am generally treated very well here.

However, I think there is an intolerant attitude towards those who produce "unwanted cooking smells" - enough said about that...

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Lucane01 12 yrs ago
In general surveys are bullshit. They are poorly structured, manipulated beyond repair, sliced and diced, and then used to fabricate a story that matches the goal the researcher is looking for. They are intended to create hysteria, make a name for the researcher in order to gather more government grant money, and reinforce opinions of ourselves (in this case, that the West is so culturally advanced and that Asians are backwards).

This survey needs almost no effort to debunk. HKers are very friendly to foreigners. But any foreigner who visits America or Europe is treated like a disdained third world citizen who does not belong. In America it's always the "learn English or get out of America" attitude and in Europe it's just a pervasive attitude of superiority.

If anything, HKers probably would rather live next to any race of person over living next door to a mainlander. Where was that option on the survey? Its also a matter of honesty - Asians can be brutally honest (a good trait) whereas we Westerners are self censored by an overwhelming feeling that we must always say the politically correct answer. I've already self censored my post here many times over because anything I say that is race related can always be manipulated against me in the future.

I've lived in Asia for four years now and every single day here I've felt more welcome here than I would if I walked into a ghetto or barrio in the USA. I find it to be us Westerners who are most intolerant and racist because it isn't even culturally acceptable to mention the race of another person... I can't even say "black guy" when describing a person without first worrying about whether or not it is politically correct to mention the race of a person when describing them.

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Lucane01 12 yrs ago
Survey translation errors:

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traineeinvestor 12 yrs ago
@ Lucane01 - agree. Most surveys are rubbish. FWIW, I have generally found Asian countries + Australia and New Zealand to be far more welcoming of foreign visitors than most European countries with the US falling somewhere in between.

That said, we are living in a place where your right to citizenship is dependant on being of the correct race.

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Jessie.James 12 yrs ago
The problem in Europe is that there are too many foreigners, or too many people who want to migrate there. Europe isn't a country build on migration (like the US), so it's less welcoming of migrants. Try having 30% foreigners coming to HK (or any Asian country) and you will see how "far more welcoming of foreign visitors" the people will be.

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
Thanks for the Link, explaining the Silly TRANSLATION ERROR.

It amazes me that an Editor did not spot the fact that there was a rather obvious problem with the Results

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Lucane01 12 yrs ago

It seems like the most incompetent people always go into media and economics.

I have a very high level of disdain towards surveys and the media attention and political power they gain.

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
Yes : incompetent and "control-able" folk now head for the media

Especially when:

90% of the US Mainstream media is owned by just six guys (mostly Zi0nists)

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gakman 12 yrs ago
OffThePeak: "90% of the US Mainstream media is owned by just six guys (mostly Zionists)"

99% of my friends back home (in the U.S.) trust the mass media. If they tell them that Victoria Peak erupted as a volcano, they WILL believe it.

That's why Americans (by that I mean people of all races who are living in America) are the most ignorant and arrogant people in the world. I know. I am one.

Up to 2 years ago, I still accepted that 19 Muslim highjackers taking instructions from a dude with a laptop in a cave in Afghanistan took down the Twin Towers and the Pentagon. "Go Bush!" "Go Obama!"


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Lucane01 12 yrs ago

I too am an American who has great disdain towards what the country has become. However, I would not characterize Americans as the most ignorant and arrogant people. From my experiences it seems that the public across the world is highly ignorant with respect to many subjects - i do not find Americans to be unqiely ignorant. Americans are indeed very arrogant but I do not think we have yet surpassed French arrogance.

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
The good news is that many Americans are now waking up.

And I think the speed of awakening is increasing.

I expect some big events, changing people's perceptions during this year, 2013. And we may not have to wait long.

There may even be the start of some big Earth changes within these few days. Two things I am watching are Earthquakes and Solar Flares. Big quakes were predicted (by my sources) for this week. And we have already seen two Biggies:

+ 7.4-Richter, in the Tongo area

+ 8.2-R, along the coast of Russia

In addition there were several Quakes in California, with the biggest being 5.7-R, and a bridge came down there. Are we heads towards a prolonged "Global Coast Event" stretching over weeks or months? I hope not, but some sources are predicting this.

How is this related to the "spin" coming from Mainstream Media. Well, the MSM is ignoring all these alternative information sources. And as the Alternative Sources make accurate predictions, it becomes harder and harder to ignore them. People who hear about these predictive successes, normally come to the conclusion (eventually) that they are being spoon-fed a highly managed, and elite-serving version of the news - and they begin seeking out alternatives. That's how I walked down the path I am on.

Many sources on the web are inaccurate (talk of things like RV and Nesara payments seem to be pure fantasies to me.) But others have broken stories weeks and months before you see them in the mainstream. So I pay attention, with an Open mind, and exercise discernment - believing only a small slice of what I hear, but being open to big slice. The web has a fascinating process of getting the "Fringe" stories out, even as the MSM seems to be blocking them.

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gakman 12 yrs ago
I am from Seattle, WA, which is a city considered by many as "progressive" and "free thinking" (as compared to the mid-west I guess), and yet most people there are CLUELESS about anything beyond what they are spoon-fed by the MSM. If there are things they don't want you to know, they just don't cover it and then people won't know. I have to say, they did an excellent job creating a culture that ostracizes the alternative media.

"where did you get that from? the INTERNET?? ha ha"

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
At some point it will flip, and people will say:

"Where did you get that from? ...The Lame-Stream Media? hahaha"

(with an accompanying: knowing roll-of-eyes)

In fact, I know people who already talk and think that way, and question virtually everything they see/hear from the MSM.

Even top fund managers, such as Jeremy Gratham are beginning to sound that way in some of the public lectures, as they talk about how Big Oil has taken over congress.

(I find it interesting that we can have a chat like this here. It would have been unlikely 6-months ago, or a year ago.)

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trending13 12 yrs ago
Re: '90% of the US Mainstream media is owned by just six guys (mostly Zionists)'

Hong Kongers likely no more bigoted than your average expat anti-semite and closet racist in this thread.

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago

If you bother to read the whole thread, you will see that we disposed of the idea that HK people are intolerant compared to people elsewhere. In fact, the Survey was so badly conducted, that the real survey results may be the opposite of what that headlines suggested.

As far as the other comments go...

I think you will find that I can back up everything I say with facts, figures, and/or other evidence of some kind. The problem these days is that the MSM has stopped reported news, and has stopped investigating in a search for the truth. Nowadays, MSM is all about advertising revenues, to enrich the tiny number of people who now control the ownership of the media.

Have you heard of Dan Rather? (A famous US news presenter)

He has has some pithy remarks about this new reality. I will see if I can find the video with his comments...

He speaks of "the Hollywood-ization of News..." and thore parts of life, even "the Hollywood-ization of War." (To whose benefit? Please ask this question again , and again.)

And here's Rather again talking about the concentration of ownership that has happened over the past few decades:

Frankly, most of what they provide now is unwatchable. Do you really want even one braincell updated on the Kardashians, or on Angelina's latest operation?

Of course, there are still many who are in the Chumps-R-Us Club, and who suck up everything they hear or read on the MSM. They won't believe any of this, and will just prefer to be left alone in the fantasy bubble the media reinforces for them.

I think these sort of sleepy "Sheeple" are dangerous, because they are complicit, by allowing (without any protest or even awareness) a steady erosion of freedoms, as the US moves away from being the free society it once was.

My thanks to Ed and AsiaXpat for allowing some free speech here.

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Gee Whiz 12 yrs ago
No HK people are definitely no racially biased

they are rude and intolerant of any and everyone !

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gakman 12 yrs ago
OffThePeak: Bravo for your awareness of Dan Rather's slam on today's MSM. Naturally not too many people has seen that piece because it is not deemed newsworthy by the MSM (surprise, surprise). And I hope you are right about people getting more and more suspicious of the propaganda doled out by the MSM, perhaps some frogs are beginning to feel the heat of the boiling water.....

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
ENJOY the Show, or Wake Up.

(The choice is yours.)

Some of the most important things happening on the planet will not show up in the MSM

- since they might "interfere" with the drama that is being presented for us.

But that does not mean we need to keep our own eyes glued to the "staged event".

In fact, it is rather interesting "to look backstage" sometimes.

But if you talk too much about what is happening there, many chatboards will ban you. Or if you run your own chatboard, some of the ticket holders may shake their heads, and even leave, because they were too engrossed in the Main (stream) show.

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
I certainly don't agree with everything that Ben Fulford says,

But this interview with him:

... Provides a fascinating "look at Backstage"

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