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12 yrs ago
Portugal: The right time to invest?
Portugal Investment Scheme
Portugal is offering residents from outside the EU a five year residency visa if they invest at least Eur 500,000 in Portugese real estate. The scheme is believed to attract major interest from Asia and represents a significant change in rules of entry and stay for foreigners in the country. The visa allows holders to work, or study and travel freely in the 26 European states.
After the five years are up, investors are given the option of obtaining permanent residency.
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No blood running in the streets and Euros still think they are hotsh*t. Wait it out, Europe will get so much more hilariously worse.
It is also less than assured that the European Union or Eurozone will remain together. This "visa" (why not a passport?) might not even be recognized by the better European nations in a couple years.
Europe is going to get a lot worse. Don't jump the gun.
On a slightly related topic, I've seen Irish castles for sale at bonkers prices, like only $5m Euros for giant beautiful refurbed castle in the country side. What's up with that?
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I agree.
Yet it is useful to have a thread on this subject - with the Euro Visa giveaway, we are probably going to see more Portugese properties marketed in Hong Kong and Macau. And, Hey, it looks a bit like Macau, doesn't it? (wink. wink)
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The problem I have with this is that even if it is the right time to invest, the difficulties and risks with buying the right property at the right price and then managing it in a cost effective manner when we (or, at least, I) have no local knowledge and it is not practical to self manage - meaning total reliance on people who have a vested interest in separating me from my money.
Castles? Strikes me as a very high maintenance proposition.
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