1.3million HKD to invest, suggestions please.

Posted by lennox73 12 yrs ago
I have sold a property abroad and now have around 1.3 million HKD, what investment should l consider?(no income return required, ie capital appreciation > inflation is fine)

1. buy a property in SZ and rent out or

2. invest in an ETF like SPY, which tracks the S & P 500 with my US broker or 2800 which tracks the HSI with my HKG broker?

I have been told properties in SZ or anywhere, have gone up too much and are going to take a downturn / crash, but so has the stock market.

time frame not really important either, anything >10 years fine.

Good suggestions appreciated


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varuninhk 11 yrs ago
Hi There

My name is Varun. I work in Convoy Financial Services (Sheung Wan). It is the biggest Independent Financial Advisory (IFA) in Hong Kong.

As an IFA, Convoy is not limited to representing any bank or company. Rather they approach us to sell their products. So we provide unbias advise to our clients and truly help determine the right products for our clients.

I personally deal with international workers and expats in the areas of

1. Savings: (Financial Planning Short/Long Term Goals)

2. Retirement: (Emergency Funds, MPF etc)

3. Protection Planning (Life insurance, CIC, medical insuranc)

4. Investments (Derivatives, Property, Single Market, Regional Investment, Global Investments)

Also unlike most banks and companies we can meet our clients at their time and location of convenience, free of charge.

Please message me your contact details and I shall get back in touch with you ASAP.

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mikaelarhelger 11 yrs ago
Giving the money to some investment company you will never be in control. Property that you control is always going to work. Why? The population is growing and there is a need for more and more places. Why give the money to some crocs that are only out to make their commission. They do not really care what happens to your money. They get their commission either way.

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running 11 yrs ago
Buy property in the US

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dbmshk 11 yrs ago
go for well defined and diversified investment for part of the money and part keep in cash with you. good opportunities in property market will come soon. in less than a year.

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