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11 yrs ago
Chris Martenson's presentation at the Gold & Silver Meeting in Madrid
An important Disconnect that he talks about - a break in the Trend
The "economy must grow" ... Or the Debt will crush us... and that is happening now.
He talks about the Nature of expoential growth
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He may be right in the long run.
The Crisis has been delayed rather than defused IMHO
What do you think of the Chart?:
DEBT is in the Pause mode, for the time being
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11 yrs ago
What do I think of the chart?
I think that exponential economic growth is the same as the growth of cancer cells...
Eventually you kill the patient (or the economic system)
Have we reached the end of growth? Well... growth in recent decades has been based primarily on debt... and since 2008 it has been based on money printing....
We are printing untold trillions (see my article re China yesterday - they have printed 15 trillion since 08) ... yet the global economy is worsening.... in Europe and the US particularly (the two biggest economies) the labour participation rate is horrible and getting more horrible.
There are no jobs.
This cannot go on forever - the only question I have is that once we collapse do we recover to a state that resembles the world we have known in our lifetimes?
I very much doubt it. I believe that the economic system that we have lived under no longer applies... it has been based on cheap, endless resources...
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Here's something to keep in mind:
If everyone grows their own food, and feeds themselves.
If they do not drive, or buy other products from others.
Thay have a ZERO economic foot print.
But if they have fertile ground, and grow good healthy food,
they may be better off than many in our economy today.
My point is:
As we move (back?) to economic self-sufficiency (as I would like to see),
the Economic growth numbers may suffer - and so would tax payments.
Maybe this way, we can starve the War machine out of existence
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