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11 yrs ago
What's Really going on with the Global Economy
- per Catherine Austin-Fitts
Some are going to think this wildly fantastic.
But I can tell you that I have listened to CAF for a long time, and I think she is very insightful, and from her strong background in finance (Dillon Read) and in Washington, probably has a better sense of what is really happening than nearly any observer who is willing to speak out. And she speaks from the heart.
(Want fantasy? You can find plenty of that in the MSM.)
Catherine Austin Fitts, The Power of Our Intentions, The Byte Show
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"We are like people in the Truman Show.
Soon we are going to walk off the set and into reality."
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Thanks for posting, but I sort of lost interest when she started waffling about an air stewardess panicking.
For the record, I am fully in favour of more properly tested GM food being grown - both on environmental and humanitarian grounds.
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Give it another chance.
Maybe jump in for the last 20-25% which is the most interesting part, where she speaks about what "Mr Global" might be up to.
I am so fed up with the lies we are fed by the mainstream, and I think it is important to seek out the insightful observers from the Alternative Media.
She and Joseph P. Farrell are to of the best, and they are increasingly working together.
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I have put out there (elsewhere) my view that 2014 will be "A Year of TRUTH, and of Change."
And I am not going to hold back from trying to break the Truth Embargo that exists in most of the Lame-stream media.
We need a solid core of awake and aware people who can openly discuss these issues, even in Little Hong Kong.
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Fair enough - I will get back to it over CNY.
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CAF was an Assistant Secretary for Housing, around the time of the Property Bubble. And she saw upclose how the financial machinery was used by insiders to steal money.
She wondered for some years where the money was going. When she came across the work of Richard Dolan, it "clicked": Black Ops and the Secret Space program.
I have many other sources on this, and the Big Picture is far, far stranger than you would ever guess by reading the Mainstream Media. I stopped believing thir lies and spin years ago, and so I treat CAF and others like Joseph P Farrell, and Richard Dolan as valuable sources of pieces for the bigger jigsaw puzzle,
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Former US Treasury Official - World Faces Catastrophic Danger
Eric King: “Dr. Roberts, what is the biggest danger facing the world today?”
Dr. Roberts: “The biggest danger is the drive in Washington for world hegemony because that brings up nuclear war....
“I don’t think the Russians and Chinese are going to roll over for Washington and accept Washington’s hegemony. So that’s the biggest danger.
The biggest financial danger is the collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. ...
If the world’s reserve currency collapses, the payments mechanism everywhere is disrupted, and the reserves of central banks evaporate. The panic that would result, the domestic inflation in the United States that would result, this type of crisis dwarfs having JP Morgan, Citibank, and two or three others fail.
Because when the banks fail, they just reorganize. The deposits in the banks are very small compared to the bailout of the banks. And so the Fed would simply have to ask, ‘Can we stand the collapse of the dollar? This crisis is far bigger than failing to save the banks.’
Now since the Fed is really run more by the banks than by the public policy interests, we can’t assume the Fed would make the right decision. But that is the choice it would face. And I think it may face that choice before the year is out. So that is the big financial danger: What does the Fed do? Save the dollar, or save the banks. It can’t do both.”
":What does the Fed do? Save the dollar, or save the banks. It can’t do both.”
They can save the banks with Bail-ins, robbing depositors, and THEN crash the dollar.
That will leave most of the population WEAK and DEPENDENT - as TPTB may want
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Real Disposable Income Plummets Most In 40 Years
And those idiots keep saying :
"Inflation will reduce debts"
No! It doesn't work the way.
The ONLY THING that reduces the Burden of Debt, is Rising Incomes.
Outside the Top 1%, this is Not Happening - the Income of the average US person has been falling: Certainly in Real Terms. But for many, also in Nominal Terms
(HK may be somewhat better on this score than the US. The political gangsters who now rule the US seem bent on destroying the wealth of the average American, so they can be more easily enslaved - That's what I see going on. Please tell me that I am wrong, and back up your argument with some facts.)
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You are wrong. I have a 4M mortgage. If there is (say) 5% inflation, in most countries (though not necessarily HK) my income will go up by 5%, but my mortgage will still be 4M. It will be easier to repay my mortgage.
On the other hand you are right, because the interest rate will go up and I will have to pay more monthly. Net result: I don't know/it depends.
The income of most Americans hasn't been falling because of inflation, but because of globalisation, liberalisation, de-unionisation, and a lot of different things.
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" If there is (say) 5% inflation, in most countries (though not necessarily HK) my income will go up by 5%..."
My point is you cannot assume that incomes will rise with inflation. Look at the USA. Look at Japan. It can be a very dangerous assumption.
The US is rapidly headed towards a Banana Republic type arranggement where the wealth is concentrated at the Top, and the Middle Class is disappear. It doesnt help if average incomes rise because the rich get richer fast, and the average working stiff's income lags far behind inflation.
This happened because the voters fell asleep and have been hoodwinked by the Corporate media which feeds then the lies that support whatever the Corporate gangsters want them to believe.
A few Americans woke up and voted for Ron Paul, and/or other independents, rather than one of the Two major parties, which are nothing but two wings of the same deadly vulture. Ron Paul's successful campaign in Mine was disrupted by the Romney machine, and he never had a chance. America will go on sinking until enough people wake up and demand true change, not just more two party spin/ But perhaps it is too late.
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There's much truth in this video, but it is buried in circumlocution.
Gordon Duff, 8.Jan.2014: "Disclosure, and What is Reality"
There are some straightforward parts, like:
"People are not what we think, and we do no die."
"We control the weather, on a planetary basis."
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"People are not what we think, and we do no die."
So the Matrix is actually a documentary! I knew my friend Fred was actually smarter when he was on crack!
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You may think Duff is a wacko.
But if you read more, and study more, you may change your opinion.
For instance, the question of whether or not ET's exist seems very old and very settled to me
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This talk by historian Richard Dolan, might help open your mind up:
Secret Space Program: Richard Dolan [Full Length] :
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... and these guys are both complete nutcases, right?
+ Simon Parkes:
+ Capt. Mark Richards:
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Not like 1929...
This is the first time we have seen a number of apparent suicides BEFORE a crash.
V thinks "the entire system is beginning to break down"
"the greatest financial transition in recorded history, is about to take place"
The Banksters Are In Serious Trouble - Steve Quayle & "V" The Guerrilla Economist
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Published on 18 Feb 2014
Why are so many bankers being killed? What do they all have in common? Who is next on the list? Steve & V explain on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report.
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Karen Hudes makes an interesting comparison in this Video
(about 13 1/2 minutes in)
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The Wizard of Oz, by Frank Baum is "about our present struggle with elites"
+ The yellow brick road is gold ("follow the yellow brick road")
+ The tin man is industry
+ The straw man is agriculture
+ Toto, the dog, are the whistleblowers, who have pulled away the curtain
... exposing the old man pulling the levers, who is nowhere as powerful as some think
The projection screen that he has used to scare people is the mainstream media
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Catherine makes some powerful, but uncomfortable points in this interview
Catherine Austin Fitts Obama Care the Ultimate Fraud (Early Sunday Release)
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Comment from there - emphasizing what is uncomfortable:
CAF is so right about this.
World to the USA: "Screw you, Middle Class people in America! You have been using your military and your dollar to take advantage of us for many decades. So when your living standard crumbles, all w will say is: It is about time! Now, maybe you will learn how to live a sensible life, because that OLD WAY is not going to come back for you!" When the US really takes that message onboard, we may be ready to start doing things in a better and more sustainable way. But the US needs to go through a tough period to get there. God bless them, and let them understand the root causes of their pain.
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