Want to set up a Trust - HMRC approved

Posted by Hecules 11 yrs ago
I want to avoid paying Inheritance Tax in the UK if possible. I have lived in Hong Kong for many years and as the UK Government has stripped me of all promised benifts even though I have contibuted all my life, I don't see why Beneficiaries should have to pay 40% tax to a remote and uncaring British Government on what savings I have left after being taxed all my life.

Is Hong Kong a suitable jurisdiction to set this up, are there any Brokers who can arrange it and where do I go to find a trustworthy company?

Advice would be appreciated.

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billmcneice 10 yrs ago
I'm a UK Chartered Financial Planner and could probably give you some guidance on this but it would only be in about three weeks time. The reason being I have applied for a work permit and don't want to do anything that might cause me problems.
However, if you have not yet found a solution I cold speak to you then.

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andrewmuller 10 yrs ago
Yes Americans can set up trusts in HK, this is an area I can assist you with, feel free to send me a message with your contact details and we can arrange a time to talk further.

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