don't know what to do with my water bill!

Posted by Missysun 18 yrs ago
I moved to my current apartment since april,last week i recevied a water bills that i have to pay 450.Then i got a message from a landlord downstair said my floor 3/F and downstair 2/F,is sharing the water.They have paid the last bill which is also 4 hundreds something,so this bill i have to pay for it.But the thing is 2/F have at lease 8-10 Indian lived together,they cooked dinner everynight.(I can smell curry everynight!),I lived by myself and i never cook and i don't do laundry in the house.And i travel a lot.But that landlord said dosen't count how many people live in the house,we have to split half,I never recevied any bills in my previous flat,my friend told me if we don't used over a limited then we don't have to pay,and my other friend's bills is like 40 every 3 months,my friend said is too much,i shouldn't pay for it.I called up the water supplier,they said they can't do anything,I don't know what to do now!

Any advise what to do or i should just pay for it?Thanks!

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Missysun 18 yrs ago
my electricity bill is 80 dollars per month,because I only stay at home 2 night a week,thats why i think water is expensive then my electricity,is don't sounds the flat i share they have 10 people,i have 1 people,should split it to 11 parts and share...thanks Saikunga!

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Missysun 18 yrs ago
I end up paid the bill instead of arguing.Yesterday i got another water bill.800 dollars.They said they won't split in per head,must be half half..what the???

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crj 18 yrs ago
why not ask the water dept and landlord if they can install two separate meters?

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Missysun 18 yrs ago
I did called,they said cost few thousand to separate the pipe.

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Claire 18 yrs ago
What does your lease say regarding utilities?

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