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18 yrs ago
I have a question and it's one i'm hoping maybe someone can answer, hence me posting it here.
Me and my family need to move, we have found a couple of places (there aren't many in our area that match our requirements and budget) and have offered the landlords our current rent (meaning the same as we are paying now at our current abode) and then from September the agreed higher rent (as this is when we can actually afford it due to current budget constraintsand when our lease would be up anyway).
However, neither landlord has accepted this offer and i cannot fathom why. From my point of view i see it as:
. landlord has tenant and monthly income (at the moment both places have been vacant for a number of months)
. landlord then has a guarantee that he has at tenant for at least two years at agreed rate
I alos cannot get my head around the fact that a landlord would rather let an apartment sit empty then have some income.
Can anyone explain the rationale behind this thinking and also let me know if they think i'm being fair with the landlords.
Thanks for your time guys.
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We had a western landlord, gave our 2 months notice and now 5 months later the place is still empty, most likely for the reasons listed above. We even offered to help rent it (we were keen to leave before the 2 months) but she never took us up on it. Similarly in the same building there were numerous empty carparks, none were ever advertised and when we did track down a couple of owners they were fixed on their price despite there being no demand at all....this real estate market is quite bizarre.
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18 yrs ago
I don;t understand it at all, the house next door to us has been empty for 1 1/2 years, the one next to that nearly a year, but the landlord won't drop the rent. When we originally looked at where we're living there were 6 houses empty out of 12, the landlord finally decided to lower the rent, they finally all got moved into (one was empty for 8 years), after our initial 2 year lease the landlord wanted to put the rent up 49% with minimum maintenance, people are now starting to move out, (3 empty again), possibly soon to be 3 more but they are still on the market for 18K more than we were originally paying. Ican't understand why landlords here want to keep a place empty here, they fall into disrepair so quickly with the humidity, that they would have to spend far more on rennovations than if they kept a tennant in for a slightly lower rent. We have a house in the UK and in the 10 years we've been here it has been empty for about 2 months (not in one go) because we would rather keep the rent at just below market value to keep tennants in there that are willing to look after the place.
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