Sales representatives with comission

Posted by mikael- 15 yrs ago

I am planning to start my own B2B business in Hong Kong and Macau. Can anyone help me to find a sales representative company in Hong Kong? So basically i would pay them a comission from every sales they make.

Or is the better option just hire a sales person in Hong Kong? I think that comission based sales person would be the best, because you do not have to hire anybody. Just pay the comission.

Any ideas? I appreciate any kind of help.

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mikael- 15 yrs ago
Thanks for an answer. I couldn't find any suitable company, so i think i will just hire a sales person.

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rdnmunoz 15 yrs ago
what kind of product are you planning to sell? and who is your market? let me see if it fits to my prospect me


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sab03 13 yrs ago
Hi, what was the final result now as I am looking for sales person paid on commision as well.


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Atat0101 12 yrs ago

I am looking for a sales person for our bags products. And I am happy to paid on commission as well.

Any ideas? I appreciate any kind of help.

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