1-Anywhere where you have a house in HK will have mossies, I have netting on the windows and have no problem;
2-Never a problem getting on a bus in the morning as there is one nearly every 3-5 minutes between 7-7:40 am the tiome table does not show that there are more busses than the schedule. Hong Lok Yuen is 15 minutes drive away and they have school busses form FVP
3-If you buy a new membership then you pay a non-refundable deposit (about $35k) and then monthly subs of $940HK, if you buy second hane the membership it is about $3-5K plus a transfer fee of about $10K and then monthly subs of $940;
4- 1500 are the best, apart from the top floor balcony there is less space wasted. 1050 are also good on space but if you are buying you can consider getting two 850 houses and making one big house quite a few of those around.
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walk/cycle to the bus stop same as walking to MTR
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We have our own shopping centre with good european park'n Shop as well as wet market and other convenience stores food hall etc within walking/cycling distance of all houses and a free internal feeder bus service
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