Posted by
8 yrs ago
Living in a large private estate in Kennedy Town, our property management used to accept courier deliverys (eg from ebay's, amazon's, taobao's) and deposit these in our secured letter box which is inside the concierge.
Recently, they have decided to stop this service for various reasons and claiming the laws has changed which they are now exposed to "risks".
As a working class man, being away from home 8am to 8pm ... this will really limit my ability to Shop&Purchase online due to issues in receiving the delivery.
I would be grateful if you can share, whether you have a similar situation with Property Mgt of your estate where they stop receiving courier delivery.
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Do you know what laws are they referring to?
As an alternative, have you considered having the deliveries made to your office? I used to have all my mail/deliveries sent to the office when I lived in a walkup.
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traineeinvestor, thank you for your reply.
We were disappointed they did not quote the specific law.
My job involves being based in various client's office but am exploring alternatives.
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