Moral dillemma

Posted by tick tock 18 yrs ago
Does any one have any advise

We are moving out of our house. The house has a maids house out on the terrace which we have been advise is illegal and danagrous is pulling the terrace away and could topple down.

The building department came a year ago and told us not to walk on the terrace or let our maid sleep in the room.

The agent for the house is very difficult to work with and I am sure she is telling everyone who is coming to see the house that we are letting the maid sleep in the guest room because we feel sorry for her being in a smaller room.

I know that the building dept does care as they have done nothing about asking the owner to remove the illigal structure AND it really doesnt have anything to do with me about what the agent is telling people but if the house slides down the hill and kills some one I will feel bad

WHAT can or SHOULD I do?

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tick tock 18 yrs ago
Do you have the details of the number or website to report illegal structures

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Claire 18 yrs ago
I'd be tempted to get some "Danger - Do Not Cross" tape (bilingual) and slap it across the door way.

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