Building Managment Company refuse to Repair

Posted by anilhk1 6 yrs ago
Hello everyone,
i need a advise how to deal with a Rude Management company,i own a property in industrial building and having following problems,

1: Premises wall facing to backside of the building slightly moving towards outside and also wall above window slowly collapsing on the window edges and because of this heavy load window unable to open and also window parts slowly deforming .

i contacted with the building management but management refuse to repair in short time and just trying to postpone without any exact time to repair.

anyone can advise me,if i repair this by self and later sue the management company or the owner cooperation for the all expenses ?

if yes, what is the procedure and how to can sue them, i need to hire any surveyor etc

anyone advise will be highly appreciated

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traineeinvestor 6 yrs ago
I can't speak to engaging lawyers but I had an issue with a leak coming through an external wall which the building management refused to do anything about AND told me it was illegal for me to do anything about it as external walls are common property.

After several weeks been given the run around, I told them I was sending copies of the correspondence to the Buildings Department and the FEHD.

It was fixed within two days.

The management company was fired the following year – you could talk to the owners committee about it as well.

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anilhk1 6 yrs ago
do you think this case Building department can help?

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PsychopathTacoSauce 6 yrs ago
Deformed windows? Seems like you can call the Buildings Department and tell them the owner has not complied with the Mandatory Windows Inspection Scheme.

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anilhk1 6 yrs ago
unfortunately i am the owner and i already received the window inspection notice from building department but deformed window is not a owner fault, its because of the wall slowly collapsing on the window ,otherwise window is brand new and can survive almost 20-30 years more

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sunshine929 6 yrs ago
WRITE a complaint letter to the management company, the building department, and also to the insurance company that covers the building.
Look on the building notice board ...they have to post up who the insurers are.

As an owner, you are entitled to see the insurance policy for your building...

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