We are trying to use paypal for our HK customers to purchase stuff from our website.
However once they click through to pay, they tell me that it goes into Chinese.
I've tried to get help from paypal, but the emails they send me in English are incomprehensible
A Chinese speaker tells me there is a button to change to English, but it's only in Chinese characters!!!
Is anyone else having this problem or does anyone know how to fix it?
Most of my customers can't read Chinese.
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Sg Ed
16 yrs ago
I would try and get in touch with PayPal.com and see if they can be of more assistance.
Is there something in the preferences of your paypal account that allows you to set the default language?
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Assume you have fixed by now given the time since message. But solution is in your webpage code for the Paypal buttons. Paypal advised how to do this many weeks before changeover, so check old emails. You need a line for each item to identify language for cart.
If still having trouble, then give your webpage link and I can check code for you.
Also double check your preferences at Paypal account pages.
Hong Kong
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Does sound like paypal is picking up a code to switch to Chinese from somewhere (hidden in your site code?) - I had the same problem with ebay but thats definitely their site, Paypal should be fine in English..you need a good techie to look into it...
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I'm still having the problem actually and nothing paypal suggests works. Richard, I've sent you a PM, I would like to take up your offer of help.
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