Cheap place in HK

Posted by bettinayan 19 yrs ago
I'm looking for a place to stay. Prefer around 3k, due to low income. Any ideas? I dun wanna live at "village house" coz usually transport isnt convinent.

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Vivianto 19 yrs ago
I have a two bedroom flat in Shatin which is going for $5700 per month. 5 mins walk to City One KCR station. If you find someone to share that will be within your budget. Pls call 91076186 if interested.

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bettinayan 19 yrs ago
Could you give some more information on the house? can you email me some photos please? my email is


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douglaskung 19 yrs ago
I wonder if any one knows where I could get info about where I could share a flat with someone. I can only pay about HK$2500. I know it is very difficult because of my budget. Hope someone can help me. my email is Thanks

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