Flat mates

Posted by l_renwick 18 yrs ago
Any body got any good ideas about where to look for a flat mate. I've been scouring the web and notice boards and just haven't had any luck. I've met a couple of people and they've been total "odd-balls". I'm starting to wonder if any friendly, honest, easygoing people who don't have a flatmate exist?!

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Ed 18 yrs ago

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mayita 18 yrs ago
Hi, a guy who was in my YWCA (nice polite, etc. very ok person) took a flat in Hum Hom and put an add on craigslist.com : maybe worth a try ?

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cheeky 18 yrs ago
Are you looking to share your place with someone or want somewhere to live?

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cheeky 18 yrs ago
rugby supporters would probably make good flatmates as they'll be out every night watching the world cup!

I've shared with lots of people here lr, some have been great, some haven't - most of it is luck. But always get a deposit no matter what the friendship/relationship is then at least financially you won't lose out. If you're social, find someone who is also social and out and about - makes your place seem a bit bigger if you're both out a lot. Have stuff in common, but not too friendly.

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mina9713 14 yrs ago
Hi! Are you still looking for a flat to share?

if so, send me email to mina9713@hotmail.com

will give you more info.

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l_renwick 14 yrs ago
err. yes! thanks :)

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