Hi, I'm moving to Hong Kong in a couple of weeks and could do with some advice on who to deal with when it comes to finding a bedsit or a share flat.
My budget will only allow me up to about 6000hkd per month so ideally a share flat would be the best. I'm not expecting much for this!
are there any good reliable agencies who deal in this sort of thing ( flat shares and bedsits )in the Wan Chai area?
Any advice will be greatly appreciated as I'm totally new to this.
yeah, thats what I'm afraid of...
Seems a bit of a minefield at this point!
Hi Bruce,
I am from Vancouver, Canada and I am a real estate broker here. Do you have to live in Wan Chai? In my opinion, it is not a good idea to share accommodation with anyone, especially with strangers. Hong Kong is not a small city in size and if you don't mind living in Kowloon or New Territories or even the outlying islands, you could probably get your own suite for HK$6,000 or less. Indeed, even in Wanchai, you could get a room with your own bathroom for about HK$4,000 but if you don't mind living in New Territories, you could find your own studio or even 1 bedroom for HK$6,000 or less. There are all kinds of public transportations available in Hong Kong but most people take either the MTR (the subway); train or buses. From New Territories, depending on where you live, it would take less than 1 hour to reach Wanchai.
Joseph Wong
If you are willing to eat a bit of extra money earlier on for a tiny serviced apartment that is what I did - which allowed me to hunt for on the ground accommodation and shareflats for approximately a month, which is just enough time to pack in lots of views (and probe whether Craiglist or Gumtree roomates are craaaazy.) Many agents were quite nice when I walked straight into offices off the street too. Availability is is quite tight for the cheapest ones, but I'm wrapping up a nice experience at Urban Cube and Cozy Studios wasn't bad either. It frankly becomes much easier on the ground -
6000 is not at all an impossible budget if you are willing to hack a non-renovated studio in a Chinese walk up. Good luck -
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