Buying Commodities in Hong Kong?

Posted by DaHKGKid 16 yrs ago
Hello All,

Not a normal market trader of any sort I am interested in preparing to buy commodities such as oil and gold potentially others as they come down further and bounce. How can this be done via Hong Kong?

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DaHKGKid 16 yrs ago
Hey thanks for that. anyone out there doing it right now though?

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qpzmgh 16 yrs ago
I have just bought Gold through my HSBC account and also bought a commodities index tracker ETF on HSBC as well which is listed on the Hang Seng stock number 2809. Easy to do.


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DaHKGKid 16 yrs ago
that's great thanks. can you buy any commodity listed as individuals or as a commodity portfolio?

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qpzmgh 16 yrs ago
no its basically a portfolio or index of commodities but quite heavily weighted at the moment in Oil and Gold.

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DaHKGKid 16 yrs ago
okay good, both seem to move together anyhow

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qpzmgh 16 yrs ago
ETF offers cheaper access to agriculture than the Rogers fund.

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DaHKGKid 16 yrs ago
same mix of commodities on both?

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DaHKGKid 16 yrs ago
I think I need to have lunch with Mr. Rogers now that he is living proudly in Singapore.

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arlina 16 yrs ago
may you give me the idea or steps to do this sort of thing? Do Ineed to have a banking account with HSBC? I just want to learn other ways of making money with the little excess money I have. Thanks

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