Hong Kong has no Tenancy Advocay Body

Posted by smookie 16 yrs ago
I have lived in Robinson Rd in Mid-Levels in the same apartment for 9 years. I have never thought about 'human rights' and 'democracy' in the same way as today

Soemreally arrogant and selfish people with a lot of money bought the entire 7th floor (4 apartments) in the old block I live in. They have proceded to block the lifts and cart cement and builkding materials up and down in the old lifts with no access to any of the 2 lifts for any tenants. They have been drilling, jack hammering and hammering for SIX MONTHS at anreasonable hours and the mess it has created is unbeliveable. We all pleaded and begged with our landlords and to NO AVAIL. The lords in Robinson Rd 77 are occupying 4 X 1800 sq.m PLUS they have confiscated the 10 000 sq. ft roof for personal and private use ONLY. No tenant is allowed up there.....

What happens is there is a fire on the first floor???? Where is the tenancy advocacy for tenants...

Any 'tom, dick or harry' under HK law who has money, can buy an apartment and become a landlord. Where is the say of the tenants?

To further aggrevate the impression of NO view or opinion of the tenants, the landlord who heads up the trustees was approached to please allow Christmas decorations this year ..... the reply was that it was 'not the policy' of the management committee. When the 24 tenents decided to decorate themselves the lobby, they were threatened with the HONG KONG police by the management....... where is Hong Kong going?

I am extremely disappointed. I live in Mid-Levels and feel like I am in prison.

SCMP is NOT interested to publish anything.....

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Ed 16 yrs ago
Shifting this to Hong Kong property

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smookie 16 yrs ago
Dear Lloyd - Had I been living in Harare in Zimbabwe - I would have expected no less than your comment. We are in a sophisticated PROGRESSIVE society where CHANGE is supposed to be an intergral part of our lives and where our opinion is supposed to matter....

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christian_moore 16 yrs ago
In HK you are in Prison where ever you live

When you go to the park you must abide by lots of silly rules that prevent you have having fun, same with the beach. When you buy property here you are at the mercy of the management company. I pay quite a lot of money for the management fee due to some idiot screwing up the deed and incorporating the gardens and rooftops are part of the normal shares, the management company have no interest in having it amended, so instead I am paying $1,000 a month management fee for a garden that no one pays any attention to.

We have a very large car park here that must have at least 10 visitor car parks that are always empty, whenever I have a friend come over they are charged $10 per hour to park there (I will add that it is a fairly remote place and not much transport available)

HK is currupt place with rules set up to benefit a few people, with the populace taught never to question anything just follow what they are told

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