Looking for Australians for TV News report on Hong Kong

Posted by Adrian Brown 12 yrs ago

I am a producer with Australian TV doing a story on Hong Kong property and the cost of living here. Is there anyone from australia out there who is finding Hong Kong just too darn expensive and willing to talk to me ? Thank you

email: abinternational09@gmail.com


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traineeinvestor 12 yrs ago
Hmmmm...so you only want to speak to Australians who find Hong Kong "just too darn expensive"? Never mind those who find it cheaper here than in Australia in at least some respects or who benefit from the lower tax rates or those who were smart enough to purchase housing here when it was cheap?

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elsdon 12 yrs ago

I don't think he wants to turn this into a debate hahaha.

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Beermoney 12 yrs ago
I think you may find it hard to find people who find it too expensive to live in HK because if they did, they wouldn't be here. Your question is asking "too expensive", compared to what or where? Western countries or Asian countries.

I am Australian and think that I am better off here than OZ due to the expensive costs in Australia, (Tax, Housing, entertainment) My disposable income is far higher in HK than it would be in Australia. However if I was comparing to the Philippines, yes HK is expensive.

Having said that if I was the moaning Aussie raving about how good it is back in OZ because in HK I can't afford a 4 bedroom home with a pool, 2 cars, private school for the kids ect I would say HK is too expensive. But finding this person in HK probably wont give you a good perspective because again. they would be short timers who cant adapt to small apartments and public buses.

I think you would have more success finding Australians who finds Hong Kong too polluted, too many people, too noisy ect. Or how people adapt to various conditions.

Good luck with your search and you may want to email the Australian Association of Hong Kong. I cant comment on who they are or what they do but it may be a good starting point for you.

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Remmy 12 yrs ago
For most expats, HK is actually less expensve to live in than Australia. Ie it makes more sense for them for a financal perspective, to live in HK rather than Oz, which of course is why there here!

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OffThePeak 12 yrs ago
Offer a few XXX beers, and you should get plenty of takers

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traineeinvestor 12 yrs ago
It's XXXX beer ... or maybe xxx is the light version?

In any case, Australia makes many fine beers (and wines for that matter) but that is not one of them.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

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