Property Questions

Posted by david9841 16 yrs ago

I am wondering if any one knows:

1-I bought a property from the developer. I have made 3 payments of 5% each so far = 15% and the remaining 15% is due soon. I am wondering if i didnt complete the transaction does anyone know if I would lose 5% or 15% or 30%?

2-Does anyone know on "average" how long it takes to resale a new property these days in Hong Kong? I have another property on the market for 2 months now with no sale yet....?


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cookie09 16 yrs ago
if you have signed a full sales & purchase agreement (not the provisional one), then i believe you lose everything or at least you are liable for any losses incurred including money that goes beyond the deposits.

if you only have signed the provisional agreement (but not the full yet), then you lose the amount mentioned in the provisional agreement

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