Looking for a Contractor for Mui Wo

Posted by cyberfish88 18 yrs ago
Can anyone out there give me some recommendations for contractors that have done work or that can do work in Mui Wo? I am looking for somebody that can handle renovation of a whole village house. I have talked to Findley Leung but would also like to talk to others who have done high quality work. Any advice greatly appreciated!

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workinglor 18 yrs ago
what is the budget of the renovation? -glor

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cyberfish88 18 yrs ago
We are looking for a high quality contractor with high finish level. We are planning to completely renovate a whole village house. And willing to pay for quality!

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Dbob 18 yrs ago
I have a great guy that just did our village house on Lantau. He did an excellent job and have great finishings. He will more than likely give you a better quote than Findley Leung and or Proper Trip. PM me if you would like the details.

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workinglor 18 yrs ago
im personnally a designer. and i have some connections with the contractor that may help. they even do the lux villa in mid-levels and lantau island. can introduce if interested. -gloria

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alk 18 yrs ago
sent you a private message

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SouthLantau 14 yrs ago
Strong Engineering is really good for projects big and small. They can be reached at 9373-0792. We have used them for many projects.

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missslee 11 yrs ago
I had only wanted to get somebody to deal with my bathroom, e.g. installing a toilet and sink. After looking here for information, I asked Strong Engineering for a quotation for this small project. But guess what, their quotation is more than double that offered by a local contractor for the same jobs. The duration required was even more unbelievable as the local contractor only needs one day but Strong claimed to need 3-5 days. Beware of traps >.<

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PJNN 10 yrs ago
Can any one give recommendations for contractors in Mui Wo for renovation works ?

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thompsonp 10 yrs ago
i used 'first design my mui wo project. pls call 9640 2524.

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ntrackhelp 10 yrs ago
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