I am looking for (hopefully official) data on the amount of built-up land, for housing (including commercial buildings). Looking at a map, I think it's between 10 and 20% of the total surface of HK SAR, but I read someone somewhere saying it's 7%. Does anybody know the number? Ideally, does anybody know a link to some official document, or published document, so I can refer to it?
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I read 7% previously. Part of the problem is how you define "developed" - there is not going to be any "official" nor "correct" number. Looking at satellite imagery my estimate is ~10% developed, 90% undeveloped.
This also ignores any waterways that could easily be landfilled to create more land.
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Mongkok means "Crowded Corner", and it is the densest human habitation on the planet.
HK clusters its housing, partly because of the terrain
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Thanks. Any reference where you read that 7%? I have a map of landuse in my office, and it looks more like 15-20%, though of course some of it might be very "low developed", e.g. a house with a big garden (yes, they do exist in isolated areas of NT).
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This info may help you work it out.
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Or, if you looking for population distribution.
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Thank you! Yes, this helps.
According to this, total built up area is 23.91%
Roads are actually 40 sq. km, while housing (private developers' and public housing) is 41 sq. km??? Wow!
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I cannot recall where I saw the 7% number but it has always stuck out in my mind. If I bump into it again I'll post it here.
That half of the development is roads kind of gets to the point I made earlier, it all depends on how you define the word "developed."
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Thanks. I was looking at the 'built up' area, so the area where something exists, housing, roads, hospitals, etc.
According to the figures here (, I guess 7% would be "Residential areas".
Thanks again.
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