Management Property Dispute

Posted by anilhk1 15 mths ago
Hello everyone,
i am looking for a legal advise based on below details,

i have a property in industrial building in Kwai Chung, Our floor has 4 cargo lifts, which most of the time not working, some has no button to press and some even dose not stop at our floor, also washroom has no flush water for almost a year, i stoped paying managment fee almost a year and now managment company want to sue me in a small tribunail court to get their payment from me, i told them clear that, if you can repair everything i can pay the managment fee, but they as usual telling me a story that, they will repair but still no flush water, and also not the all lifts are working.

if anyone can tell me,how i can sue the managment company or what rights i have to not paying the managment fee if the managment company dose not provide the proper services

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