Clearing a "Building Order"

Posted by SamL 19 yrs ago
I have been issued a letter from the Building Department regarding an UBW (unauthorised Building Work) or illegal structure on my apartment.

Aparently I have a window that is illegal because it contravenes a Regulations 90 of the building (Construction). i.e. the regulations which requires the building to be designed and constructed so as to inhibit or provide adequate resistance to the spread of fire and smoke; and to maintain stability of the building in the case of fire - which has been contravened.

The building department cannot and will not recommend an approved person i.e. architect, surveyor or engineer to addess an allegedly illegal window in my flat. Instead I have a list of approved contractors 6 pages long on which I am yet to track down a competent individual.

I want to make this window legal by replacing it by an approved and certified "Fire Proof" window rather than bricking it up which is what is being suggested.

I am loking for a competent professional that can help me with this case that can speak english and knows how the building regulations work and that has experienc in clearing the building order.

Can anyone reccomend someone to help clear the building order?

Thanks in advance

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SamL 19 yrs ago
PM Sent?

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SamL 19 yrs ago
Thanks oldhand...

checking it now...

reply sent

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neil 17 yrs ago
Hi SamL,

Did you manage to find anyone to help?

I have also received a notice about my window. I have no problem to replace with the 'right' window but have no idea who to turn to.

Can you tell me what happenend in your case.



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