in the end does it really matter

Posted by vallient 15 yrs ago
You answered your own question my friend. There is nothing wrong with your outlook its just misplaced, or more accurately your "misplaced". Your in the wrong city. You want serene life move to Fushan. You want cool electronics, flashy cloths, hot cars and hotter woman then your in the right place.

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tigerbay 15 yrs ago

Some people are happy playing with/making money, the downturns in the market make the ups more enjoyable.

Some people are happy with thier things.

Some happy in their careers.

Some people are happy in thier relationship building. Family, friends, lovers, etc.

Others are miserable chasing money.

Others buy things that they think will make them happy, but don't.

Many are unhappy in thier careers.

And there are many who are unhappy in thier realationships.

Perhaps the important thing is to be happy.

So if other people are happy doing something that would not make us happy who are we to judge

...and 'in the end, does it matter?'

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vallient 15 yrs ago
You know I can never come up with a good clichie when I need one. What you describe however is the central limits fallacy. In brief it is the belief that as a generalization of a population (N) approaches 1 (the individual) then the effect of the generalizations become 0 (they don't apply). In my classes I describe this as the "Lottery Tax". The probability of winning the lottery within the population is very, very small say 1 in 10,000,000, but the INDIVIDUAL reasons that their chance to win is the same as everyone elses and that they are "Special". Needless to say they don't win, ever....

Yes everyone is different, but everyone also has similarities. You are different then everyone else in HK, but everyone else (besides you) is similar in that they want to maximize their wealth.

Oh just thought of a quote "Saying that everyone is special, is the same as saying no one is special" Dash - The Invincibles

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tigerbay 15 yrs ago
But not everyone plays the lottery....

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vallient 15 yrs ago
And the ones that due are taxed in the form of all those non-winning lottery tickets. Its a voluntary tax.

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