Phone no?

Posted by chen234158 17 yrs ago
I am not chinese and have been living in china for few years now. i am really puzzled with one thing. Why male foreigners here in china seem to like to provide their phone no/s to a lady and prefer her to contact them? Any insights?

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woods99 17 yrs ago

Presuming that the female lives with her family, who possibly do not speak English, it is easier for the female to contact the male.

Or maybe it is a seller's market, and one way of determining how keen a female is is to give her your number and wait for her to call. From what I have heard, there are plenty of females chasing western males. This also gives the male a bit of an edge in terms of the relative dominance in the relationship right from the start.

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Michael1977 17 yrs ago
I am a male, and I am in Shanghai. I don't call females for a simple reason: There are fewer foreign male than Chinese females, so in a way we can say we are "in demand".

Funnily enough, the less I care to call the more calls I get.

By the way, you probably realize already the local competiton women-wise is tough.

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Michael1977 17 yrs ago
I am not suggesting. I am stating a fact:

Put an asian girl in a place full of western men and women and she is going to be the main attraction (provided she is of average looking).

Put an average western guy in the middle of Shanghai and all he needs to do is half lift a finger to get the attention of women.

Not because X is better than Y, or western is better than chinese, or anything like that, is just because we are exotic here, as well as an asian is exotic in western places with low density of immigration.

So, being a center of attention, and having the attention and the availability of both chinese locals and western women (who, IN GENERAL, prefer western guys - again, in G-E-N-E-R-A-L), and me being single, why would I need to call anyone for a date?

If you have 20 guys after you, why would you call any of them? Let them call you. You are the pricy product here. And it goes without saying you will always have the edge...I could write a book about ultimatums from women, but that is outside this topic.

I have been in China for a good few years, trust me I know what I am talking about. This is not to insult or demean anyone, I am not better or worse than anyone, this is, plain and simple, a fact, so I may as well point it out.

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Michael1977 17 yrs ago
Sorry pal, I thought you were a female, my apologies.

Now, why giving phone numbers to one night stands? I don't know about HK, but in SH a SIM card costs under 100rmb, no ID required, thus untraceable. If things go south in your relationship you don't need to worry about stalking.

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chen234158 17 yrs ago
thanks, dudes, for providing those interesting opinions, yet, my brilliant and smart male friend provided one interesting opinion as well and that is those men who prefer women here to call them are not good with women. In short, they don't know how to communicate well or talk to women and thus prefer women to do all the works. Like a corpse in bed during sex. (hey, not my opinion) Interesting, huh!

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Michael1977 17 yrs ago
Can you explain the relationship between waiting for a woman to call and not being good in bed? Maybe your male friend has issues himself, because i don't see correlationship between sexual health and the fact that Shanghai is a place where a western male can sit down and wait for women to come (unless he is having a even twin brother growing up his forehead).

But I guess that is the answer you prefer to hear, so to make you feel better so to speak.

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chen234158 17 yrs ago
hey, dude, no need to get pissed. or you have issues with sex or something? i said that's not my opinion and the main point is "communication" not "sex". I wrote :"like" a corpse in bed during sex...just an expression of the point. not true at all talking about sex. Gees. cheer up!

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newheathcareadvisor2u 17 yrs ago
Well, it all boils down to what you want in a relationship, whether you want a relationship or a good time. I don't need communication or any serious involvement to have a good time, but that's just me. I may call someone I was truly interested if I was in a place where women were scarce...then again, that wouldn't be Shanghai, Beijing, Taipei, Manila, Tokyo, London, Madrid, Brussels. Los Angeles, or any other mayor city in the world, where there are plenty.

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uemura 17 yrs ago
so that means girls listed on those cities be informed that even if you have this guy's number, don't need to call, why bother because he is not interested.

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Michael1977 17 yrs ago
Depends on what you want. I fully agree with the guy of the post before. Actually, in my personal case, I think there has been years since I last gave my phone number to someone without being asked, except for business, of course.

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clarkezhang 17 yrs ago
I figure it out the point u discussed is that why expat western males is more pop than chinese gentlemen in other countries.and why these western males r so of confidence to give their phone no. to chinese ladies?becoz there r huge gaps in culture & habitude between chinese and western countries. consider as myself, also a chinese male ,would be very joyful to meet any gals fm all over the world and would like 2 give my cell no. to them if necessary.

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chen234158 17 yrs ago
chinese gentleman, clarkezhang scores!

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tigerbay 17 yrs ago
In UK I would give women my number. They could then choose to call or not. If you ask some women for thier number they feel embarrassed about sayijng no, some even feel threatened.

I have even seen some girls rudely reply (**** off) and the guy feels a prat. So giving the number out is a low risk strategy.

On the other matter, I have lived and worked all over the world and China is the only place where I have been that women (not hookers) openly approach men in bars and clubs.

But remember only a small proportion of Chinese girls go to bars, and so this is not reprensetative of the Chinese population as a whole.

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luke_perry2 17 yrs ago
I would give a western gal my number, and I would call them too.

In here...nope.

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