dating a pilot

Posted by jackiec 18 yrs ago
met a pilot lately. i was told by friends that pilots are womanizer, is that true? any experience or advice?

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coconut23 18 yrs ago
no i date apilot and hes is very loving and i feel very secure in our relationship. but yes some of them are. And if you read my new thread don't listen to what i have just written.

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tham 18 yrs ago
hahhaha.. u never know ! when they get tired of you they stray

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denovo 18 yrs ago
Why is it bus or train drivers don't elicit the same? That said, they do look pretty good when they come out in a group at arrivals :-)

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Ladybird101 18 yrs ago
I totally agree with you Pumpkin. I don't you think you could be more correct!

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denovo 18 yrs ago

I hear ya! :-)

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Yulanda917 18 yrs ago
Hi Pilot-troubled girl

a lot ppl think they r cool dudes flying a super machine. Yes, most of them are ( also be aware of increasing number of them suffering alcohol and mental problems ). Gals jus cant help throwing themself to pilots. ^^ so i think it s very hard for them not to stray. I am not here to put wet blanket on you, they are jus men afterall, so jus think they are normal bloke who may under more stress due to work, have fun hangout with him.

do trust your six sense and be confident in yourself. it s universal rule apply to any professional. xox Good luck!

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Danielle2006 18 yrs ago
I agreed with pumpkin. because in my job i met alot of pilot. most of them have lovely families and they really nice guys. of course there are bad one, that's why it depends on the personality not a career (pilot)

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M Jay 18 yrs ago
all the pilots I've met have been good looking,self absorbed,shallow b*******s,love the chase but not after anything more than another late night booty call...but you never know....yours might be a keeper..good luck to ya honey!!( expat chick,HK)

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poppy101 18 yrs ago
Don't leave your purse at home! Most pilots I know are stingy, penny pinching, money hungry mizers.

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Totty 18 yrs ago
It does all depend on th person, totally.

However, i was once working for one of HK's leasding airline and got hit upon by my girlfriends husband (he was a pilot). I was totally shocked and astounded and obviously told him where to go, but the fact that he had the front to reveal his love for me and the fact that 'i'm a pilot, we could go away together and no one would know' just floored me.

Like a previous post has replied, a lot of them are very happy, loveing family men, but then a lot of them wil chase anything in a skirt (and maybe pants depending on their preference).

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julyjade 18 yrs ago
how is it going with the pilot?? maybe we can share some experience.

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rob378 14 yrs ago
Perhaps the unattractive pilots are the ones who do the short haul flights that nobody wants.. just as there is a notable difference between flight attendants on the short and long hauls...

Jackiec, lets hope your pilot flys the long haul flights..

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badnstupid 14 yrs ago
Haha, I don't think appearance is a factor for flying long or short haul flights. It seems local pilots (here means Chinese) are usually assigned to short haul flights, talking from my observation, am I right?

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HelloKitty00 14 yrs ago
Local or non-local is not a factor for flying short or long haul flights neither...

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CaptDave 14 yrs ago
Why are so many people obsessed with the sex lives of pilots ?

Why do so many men have fantasies about stewardesses ?

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HelloKitty00 14 yrs ago
They are just another human being afterall.......

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badnstupid 14 yrs ago
Why? no idea! Can anyone tell?

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