Long Distance Relationship

Posted by Sunflood 19 yrs ago
Am soon relocating to Beijing from Hong Kong and this will make my relationship with my bf a long distance one. We have been together for 4 months and the feeling is very sweet for the past 4 months. He will be trying to move to Beijing next year if he can find a job here, but also I understand it would be very difficult as he has high standard and hopes to get a package similar to the HK one.

I am wondering whether anyone has any idea or experience on the LDR and can throw some lights to me. Apparently I love him and he loves me but it is not easy for us who just met each other 4 months ago…

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wildorchid 19 yrs ago

Enjoy reading there!

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purplelady 19 yrs ago
Well, I experienced myself while I was working in HK while my hubby was in Taipei. We managed somehow cos it only takes about an hr by plane. So we try very much so see each other during the weekends fri till sun....See how it goes. You're not alone you know!!!

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Sunflood 19 yrs ago
Apparently nowadays the chance for us to face LDR is greater than ever before. I broke up with my ex as i am moving to Hong Kong and he's in Singapore. Now the similiar thing happen i am moving to beijing and my bf is staying in Hong Kong. We surely hope this can work because if it can't, the only way i can find out for relationship is no relationship as i can't tell i will be moving again in the near future.

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tia 19 yrs ago
I am in an LDR with a guy in Australia. Have been for almost 2 years now. We met when I was there on holiday, spent a week together then continued talking and it became a relationship. 4 months may not seem like a long time, but you know each other and have SOMETHING to build on.

The link above is a good link to the ongoing discussion on the Women's page.

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shaq 19 yrs ago

Just think that he's the only one for you, and that he's better than any guy. That way, you'll cherish him and forsake the rest of us ... It'll be difficult, but if you put your mind to it, you can do it.... go girl.

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cloudninety 19 yrs ago
I think it really is the luck of the draw. Have heard of LDRs that work and those that don't. Have also heard of the other extreme of non-LDRs courtships that have been going on for a decade, couple gets married and then divorces a year later or even a few years later. Long distance alone is not a determining factor by far. Many many other factors will come into play.

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funcgkw 19 yrs ago
it could work, but it's a lot of work and on both parties. i've been in two. first one worked out till i got back, we broke up cause i had no feelings for him not cause of distance. second one failed recently cause he was't trying on his part. what could change a LDR is a list that keeps going on and on. i think what killed mine was we didn't share each other's life right there right then. you can call, email, msn, but physically being there really makes a difference.

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PinkPanda 18 yrs ago
I'm starting a LDR with my partner. I'm in London and she is in Malaysia. We have been together for for two and a half years. We met when she came to London to study for 2 years. I followed her back to Malaysia and ended up staying there for 6 months. Now I'm back in London and starting the next chapter of our lives...a LDR. It's only been a month so far. We are finding it tough but we are in good spirit most of the time.

We keep in touch everyday, we talk on the phone, email, SMS and Skype. I have started sending her pictures of things I see. Things I want to share with her and things I know she misses. I create online crosswords for her to play...words from our relationship. This LDR business has making me into a hopeless romantic :O) although I miss her intensely, I am enjoying discovering this new way of relating.

I am trying to look at LDR in a broader view... Historically, thousands of couples have had these relationships... immigrants, seafearing workers, military officers...etc. Many of which have laid the foundations to our societies and nations.

I remember when I was a child in Hong Kong, my grandmother pointed out a hill to me. It overlooked the South China Sea. It looked like a woman carrying her child on her back, looking out on the sea waiting for her husband to return from the seas. She waited day and night, rain or shine, and in the end, she became immortalised.

I enjoyed hearing more examples of sucessful LDRs for inspirations...myths, tales, historical...etc. I would also like to hear ideas og what hobbies we can share together whilst apart...(7hrs time difference).

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