
Posted by Sexy_Casper 19 yrs ago

My girlfriend and i got into a huge fight the other day because i wouldn't tell her my msn password.

I told her that i am entitiled to some privacy but she couldn't understand why we can share bank details, live together, know everything about one another but i can't tell her my email address.

I replied that everyone is allowed some privacy, and that it isn;lt about lack of trust o hiding anything. We all need our little corner of the world.

Basically she thinks i am cheating on her and have some more relationships so i m so touchy about the passwords, i chat with my other girlfriends when at office so she wants to knwo , She said , she may not use it ever but she feel secured if she knows. And she wants to know it more desperately as i say NO

What should i do

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wildorchid 19 yrs ago
or to tell your gf to read these threads so that she could know how people think about this issue.

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voiceofreason 19 yrs ago
what IS this, the 'groundhog day' of threads? deja eeeuw

wildorchid has it right - show your gf past threads so she understands the boundaries

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