Monogamy unnatural for our sexy species

Posted by Ed 15 yrs ago
Seismic cultural shifts about 10,000 years ago rendered the true story of human sexuality so subversive and threatening that for centuries, it has been silenced by religious authorities, pathologized by physicians, studiously ignored by scientists and covered up by moralizing therapists.

In recent decades, the debate over human sexual evolution has entertained only two options: Humans evolved to be either monogamists or polygamists. This tired debate generally devolves into an antagonistic stalemate where women are said to have evolved to seek male-provisioned domesticity while every man secretly yearns for his own harem. The battle between the sexes, we're told, is bred into our blood and bones.

Couples who turn to a therapist for guidance through the inevitable minefields of marriage are likely to receive the confusing message that long-term pair bonding comes naturally to our species, but marriage is still a lot of work.


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subaru 15 yrs ago
This sounds rather outdated. This sort of journals were around in 1800's!! Results from the great human Genome project has had much to reveal, regarding how much our "evolution" and that which is built in our DNA has to do with our day to day actions, and how much our species is affected by it's environment. So anything "bred" in our blood and bones is subjected to environmental influences!!

Just Quantum physics alone can teach us alot about our thoughts and decisions that are made in society as a collective entity.

Relegions have not hindered us in anyway, we have hindered ourselves by subjecting ourselves to clans and relegious groups.

I don't understand what the above author of this post is trying to convey!!

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