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19 yrs ago
WEll, this is inspired by the other thread...There are 3 categories of women.. low maintenance, high maintenance, and the worst kind---high maintenance and think themselves as low maintenance...Well, unfortunately, some of my female friends fall into that box... Sometimes when they whine about how their boy friends not treating them right, didn't do this and that...And blah balh blah,,,, Seriously, sometimes I just want to tell them, Shut up!! You've been such a fxxking bitch to him, so why should he do anything nice to you... So many times, I came this close to tell them what I really think about them when it comes to being a girl friend.... Well, I know some of you may say, well, if they are such bitches, why are you friends with them.. The thing is, a lot of women can be very 2 faced... They can be very nice to her own friends, but total nightmare for men... So, any ideas???
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I mean, the whining baby behaviors seem to be only reserved for boy friends... You must have seem women like that, right?!it doesn't mean they are bad people, it only means they are not great girl friends...Just sometimes, they were telling me all the stories and i was thinking, " Thank God, I am not going out with them!!'
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19 yrs ago
No idea... but ear plugs, eye mask, a double alka seltzer and good staff may hopefully help.
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Mmm, 13th, isn't it a bit double standard of you??? I used to have some girl friends like that, and I used to tell them what I really think of their behavior, in a tactful way....WEll, some of them are not my friends anymore coz they couldn't get what they want to hear from me...Then I start to keep my mouth shut and try not to be... judgemental... as they called it....
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19 yrs ago
Simply put, people require of us to be honest/truth. But the gospel fact is, we either find it tough to go by the truth or we can't take it at all.
I simply ignore the obnoxious ... rather than to judge them. It saves me from being hated unnecessarily.
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Obnoxious?! They are not as bad!! They just do things like...refrain their bf to see the mates she does not like... Sulking in front of everyone coz she didn't get enough PDA when they go out...whine about not getting enough expensive gifts from him just to show the appreciation!!!
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FYI, I am a SHE!! But sometiems I feel like a man trapped inside a woman's body!! Agree with you mencius, your respond on the other thread... Women are hard work!!!
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CM, I think you are totally spot on! It's a chick thing.... Most of girls don't want the whole truth... They can't handle the truth!!!
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Really? My close friends and I tell each other the truth. We call it the "improvement therapy".
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Not to the extend of being catty to each other. We put it across as a statement. Nothing derogatory.
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seriously tho, I do think women are hard work... Talking to them could be like walking thru a mine field....
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Sounds a bit like my gf's behaviour, sometimes, but then again, I have seen it so many times with other women, that I sometimes just ignore it, other times I try to change a little. Realizing that nothing is really going to help anyway, coz its "typical" female attention-getting behaviour, especially around her period she gets this, afterwards she always realises that she overreacted and makes up for it. The BF's of these girls will have to deal with it in their own way, my rule is that I deal with it because I love her very much and this is just part of hiding her insecurity and attachment to me, it does not mean I have to listen to/obey each and every of her demands. I still choose to see my mates even if she doesn't like them, most of them I have known longer than her, so she is not going to be the judge of that. And sometimes she has reason and then I make up for it, that s how it goes...
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