what should i do???...........

Posted by August18 19 yrs ago
i know this may sound pathetic , but its really bothering me-am i just being stupid?

my boyfriend and i have been together 6years, to cut along story short , he works with all women and i know hes pally with them all, anyway there is one girl i am partically paranoid about, she lends him books and sends sms messages-i have tried to just ignore it,but..........

last night i wanted to use his phone for an alarm clock and i looked at his messages cos i was being nosy!and he had sent her a message saying did she wana go for a drink wed or thurs this week (he is off work those days) i have woken up this morning and he has deleted the message!!he also doesnt know ive seen the message-i cant help feeling sick about it

he was saying to me the other day , he likes doing things with his own friends rather than me all the time , he says its normal and natural for us to hang out with the oppisite sex,

what would you do?ingore it all and let him go for a drink with her and pretend i havent seen the message or confront him??please help and let me know what you think


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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Hmmm, personally I would confront him. I am no good at keeping things in particularly if I am upset about something.

One thing I will say, reading your b/fs text messages, e-mails whatever is never a good thing. You must apologise to him for doing this before you go on to find out what is going on with this girl.

Chances are it is all very innocent.

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August18 19 yrs ago
thanks vulvic, what do i say to him??

thank you for your time

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shaq 19 yrs ago
Confront or NOT to confront, that is the question ... right?

I think it all depend on what you want. So, based what want from the relationship, act appropriately. Goodluck!

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balzac 19 yrs ago
Casually ask him what's he's doing on wed or thurs.

If he is lying-you should be worried. If he tells the truth- well maybe you're worrying needlessly

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
I agree with you on principe JC but she has already seen this message and chances are she will blurt it out at some innoportune moment - probably after several G&Ts on a Fri night.

They have been together for 6 yrs so in theory should be able to discuss saidn insecurities and worries - otherwise what would be the point of beling in a relationship if you cannot talk things through.

I would still advise fessing up and talking things through calmly. If only to put her mind at rest about this particular girl and put an end to any other worries.

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icantbelieveitsnotbutter 19 yrs ago
Is the BF a person who usually keeps his messages? Is his message to the female colleague the only one that was deleted?

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lulu 19 yrs ago
to be honest, if i got a girlfriend always use my phone and look at it, I will either lock it or erase any messages that i received.

I just cannot believe that so many women like to look at messages and emails of boyfriends, they are your boyfriends, not your prisoners!!! Everyone got their own privacy, or fantasy...if you guys do not want to put trust in a relationship, why bother to go on?

Why girls always complain about their boyfriends cheat and not looking for the reason why they wanna cheat? Somehow the girlfriend must contribute some of the reason. Think.

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August18 19 yrs ago
thank you for all your coments,>they have made me think- i appreciate it,i have chosen not to say anything to him , and to learn to trust him more,

will keep you all posted anyway !thanks

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Vulvic 19 yrs ago
Good for you. And no more snooping, it will only end up making you paranoid.

Take care.

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New Jersey 19 yrs ago
Basing a relationship in trust is necessary but sometimes there are men who like living as singles although they are not. Personally, I dealt with it for years. It is sickening to see how some men change their act. They start being more and more carefully. Bottom line players will always be players, want to save time, move on because once trust is gone. No matter how hard you try, it will never be back. I wasted too many years I understand now. I was fool and thought that love could conquer mountains, yeah right once your loved one is inot somone else, that is it, end of story. Someone once said that when you are with a man, never look because you will see. I am not saying that ALL MEN are like that. Thanks God they are not but if you bumped into "those ones" run as far as you can.

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nietzsche 19 yrs ago
I suggest that you follow him around on those days and find out for yourself !

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