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19 yrs ago
Just thought I'd ask... you can see my thread "heartbroken" below about me feeling like my boyfriend isn't so into me anymore... and it seems like everyone I talk to (friends, you guys, my mom) asks me if it's because he's just really into the World Cup!
So, just wondering if anyone else is being a bit neglected by the football...?
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Neglected? No way, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet and time to catch up on Desperate Housewives DVDs :-)
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19 yrs ago
well i even like to watch the football, but i cannot find any boyfriend to go and watch with me. well...
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19 yrs ago
Lulu >> You don't need a bf to watch the world cup. Come watch with a whole lot of people at AMICI, Wanchai :D. Perhaps, you'll catch a bf there ... :P
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19 yrs ago
I do not need a boyfriend, just funny to see so many girls complaining about their boyfriends watching worldcup!! I am the one really into it and can talk about with the guys!
I went out to watch the football in the pub as well, this weekend will go and support england!! :)))
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19 yrs ago
btw, what is AMICI?
Ajin> i noticed a lot of guys around... but we are all too busy to watch the match and got not much time for chatting and buying drinks!!
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19 yrs ago
Lulu >> AMICI is a sports club in WanChai, Lockhart road; on top of Mis-a-Mis night club. Btw, I know you don't need a bf.... :P
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it's just once in 4 years for a month....if you can't beat them, join them, who knows you may wind up enjoying the games. if you really hate it, just go do something else with your girlfriends!
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guys have two things on their mind: sex and sports. when there's an abundance in one, you can bet that all senses will be directed to it.
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world cups great!! my bf doesn't like it though, seems football is not popular in northern america...
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