GotaSecret, what a shock you must have received - sorry to hear of your dilemma. stay calm and don't panic - it's not the end of the world, or your marriage. meantime, knowledge is power and will help you to get a handle on your situation.
the most important thing is to keep the lines of communcation open with your husband. i am sure he is as scared as you are - you do but you don't want to know, he does but he doesn't want to tell. however one thing is clear: you two obviously love each other very much, and i am sure both of you want to keep your good marriage and family together. so that for me is more than half the battle right there.
do your homework. a very cursory internet search for "husband likes transvestites" yielded many links, some of which were:
so there are a lot of resources out there for you and your husband to get to the heart of the matter. and i am sure there are places in hk where you two can go for counselling and assistance. you won't be the first couple to deal with this.
best of luck.
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19 yrs ago
I think many of us have fantasy lives which we don't necessarily act out. Maybe your husband is not really a bisexual with a preference for trannies. Maybe he's there because the site is a gateway to a totally new world and he finds it naughty and exciting in his mind because it's all so taboo. Especially since he's a non-paying member and cannot access much of the site. It'd be a different story of course if he were a paying member and actively seeking out partners.
When you spoke to him, what did he say about being a bisexual and liking trannies?
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hi gotasecret,
sorry you are in this to him again. maybe it was just for a laugh or as trix said, just a fantasy.
however, i am unconvinced by his reasons to sign up for the site again.
take care.
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19 yrs ago
I am a standard member of the site and its other affiliate site I have met loads of married men who fantasizes tits with dicks that me and a strap on is the pic they like most to see me in.
Men will always have fantasies in their head and I believe the braver ones are those who try to explore it to its fullest nd then realizes that would have been better to let it stayed a fantasy.
Let me tell you a friend who was always I thought making a joke about playing with his own a** and that sort of thing. I always saw him as an alpha male who would never dare ventured in that part of his body. Because I never really was into that part of him when I was with him, we got to see each other less and less. It was sometime when I asked him why we dont see each other anymore and when we finally got to meet, I was totally shocked he brought with him his own toys all in his use to exloring that part of his body. To be honest, I felt gross. But then i went along, and after using the strap on on him, I think that was the end of that fantasy for him. Finish. Now we are back to vanilla. And every now and then I make a joke about trannies, he simply shakes his head in total disbelief.
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This really sounds like curiosity on his part. Seeing how other sides live. Kind of like watching a car wreck, you know you should look away but can't help looking anyway. I so wouldn't worry about it.
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hi there im a transvestite here in beijing and i want to express my point....actually your husband is craving for some adventour...yeah its hard to accept,,,but the things that you should realize even a ts/tv conquer his body not the soul nd hearth that i wish i can...its really hard to accept the fact that tv like me is just for sex not for normal life and relatiuonship
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