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19 yrs ago
I am a membership of a car club and I am also the webmaster of there.
recently two of our memebers full in love, the point is they all married people. man has wife no child, woman has husband and son.
and these two travel together, and visit other memebers in different place, and they were treated enthusiasm, like a hero, they post lots of their photos, and seems other memebers are quite admired them.
one member stand out and say pls don't show up too much, it is nothing honour, but most people said it is their own business.yes today this thing doesn't happen on you, what about tomorrow?
my question is what is the moral tone of the society? why people don't condemn this cheating things but accept it even admire it?!
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this thing is nothing to do with me and this kidn of thing happening more and more in china now,what i wondering is if it happen ten years ago, everyone will condemn, and they can even loose job for this. but now people totally changed. a friend from canada told me, in vancouver he can't find ons, girls want dating or relationship, but in beijing, it is so easy. i once read a article a german said china now is become the most open country but in the past china is famous by tradional and conservitive.
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Now a days, people are told to respect other people's decisions and choices... and basiclly we have been trained to put on a friendly and civilised front, even tho we disagree with their choice or action.
Whitecatbj - people not confronting or telling the couple that what they are do is morally wrong doesn't mean that they agree or even admire them =) You never know what those "friendly" people will say or are saying about that couple.
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in our web most people post " i support you",they think it is kind of brave.
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Whitecat - maybe there are a small bunch of people out there who do admire the cheating couple. But I am sure that there are also people within your community that dis-approve that behaviour.
For me, the bravest thing for the cheating couple to do is to either end their relationship or divorce their respective partner....
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i think this thread is going astray. let's not compare infidelity with child porn or rape.
i also disagree with the original premise that "cheating people are admired now." i do know some friends who "cheat" on their spouses, and i continue to admire them. i also know some friends who "cheat" on their spouses, and i do not admire them. the situations regarding cheating are much more complex and are not easily analyzed by cliches and references to biblical text.
i do not know of friends who rape or involve themselves with child porn. i can't imagine of normal circumstances under which i would continue to admire friends who would engage in those types of activities.
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well, good news more and more people began to tell them stop showing off every day a lot. and lots people gone, don't post message anymore and including me. bad news the club became so quiet except their talking.
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