is it normal?

Posted by michael78 18 yrs ago
is it normal for a chinese women in her mid 20's who has a boyfriend/serious relationship to always hangout with and go out to eat alone with another guy/friend? is it the culture?

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Elisabethwang84 18 yrs ago
One has the right to go out with whoever they want to. should enjoy your life and dont think too much.

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crazybear 18 yrs ago
y dont u just go with her and c what kind of relationship do they have... try to get to know her friends, and then ull have an answer, but its not fair to ask her stop seeing her friends that she had long before she met u! no matter Chinese or foreigner...

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pinolino 18 yrs ago
Perhabs it is job related!? My gf frequently meets up with a colleague with whom she worked years ago. They are still both in the same industry, got big promotions and always exchange views etc.

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