Pocket Money - What does it means

Posted by machree 18 yrs ago
My man wants to give me pocket money for shopping. He NEVER does that before...does that mean something?

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balzac 18 yrs ago
have you been wearing the same pair of shoes the whole year or does your lingerie need a revamp?

Perhaps you've been down and he is just trying to be nice

Or do you suspect he's making up for some wrongdoing? (if he's nice then something's wrong)

Perhaps he overheard a lunchtime office conversation about how a good man 'ensures' that his other half gets pocket money to spend, otherwise he is a tight fisted no good scrooge and is trying to fall in line.

Could be anything..

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momo8.. 18 yrs ago
That's a common practice if he's Chinese.His way of showing you he is taking care of you and is being thoughtful.How much are we talking about exactly? Like a couple of hundred or a credit card?

My hubby always puts extra money in my wallet almost every day when he first started doing it and I asked him that's what he told me.

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JFK888 18 yrs ago
If you are based in Hong Kong, I'd guess he won a Mark Six...

Or he got a big increment on salary.

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machree 18 yrs ago
well...thanks you guys..

1)He's a westerner

2)He wants to arrange a "date" for me - his friend's wife and planned we shall go out for shopping together. All because he wants to find his "lonely" girlfriend a female friend...Remark, I have few friends, but not shopping that much together, meet few times a month...is it strange and make him think he needs to help find a mate for me? AND I am not STICKY!

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momo8.. 18 yrs ago
Ok he's being sweet and it's his friend's wife he wants you to hang out with.Play along, you don't sound like a golddigger so his gesture is nice.If you feel uncomfortable about accepting the money just tell him so but having one more friend is good,why not?

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Meiguoren 18 yrs ago
Speculation, maybe it's his friends' wife who is lonely and needs a friend. Maybe he needs you to help him do a favor by getting her out of the house, but he doesn't want to ask you to shop (as a favor to him / his friend) without giving you some funds to do it with.

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Wheelymate 18 yrs ago
doubt he is doing any dodgy because if he did, he would be a really stupid guy to ask you to befriend his friend's wife - exchanging notes, gossiping, etc.

maybe he is just doing a favour for his friend who has a lonely wife so enjoy the shopping!

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machree 18 yrs ago
We not live with each other and I have a good job in Shanghai. Just don't want him feel that I need his help or what...

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machree 18 yrs ago
We not live with each other and I have a good job in Shanghai. Just don't want him feel that I need his help or what...I shall be able to buy my stuff for myself..

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sam_123 18 yrs ago
Totally agree. Take the money!!!!! Why do females spend so much time evaluating situations?

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clan 18 yrs ago
My concern if I was you would be is he trying to tell me something? Does he not like the way I dress? look? etc....? Is he trying to morph/mold me into someone or something else? Is this a subtle way of saying "honey you look crap please buy something decent as I'm embarrassed to be seen with you?" I don't get why he's doing this to be honest if you're capable of paying yourself? Yeh sure take the money but if tables were turned would he accept this 'gift' from you, or would he be insulted?

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JFK888 18 yrs ago
Or you can ask for more and more, far away than the$ he gave you until breaking his bottom...He may tell you the reason why he gave you $$ at day one.... as if he wants to get rid of the "the black hole"

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sam_123 18 yrs ago
Clan, I don't think men are so 'smart' as to have an agenda in everything they do.

Having said that, it does sound like the bf might wish to change how you dress, machree, cos he said he would arrange a girlfriend to specially go shopping with you, not the ususal coffee and chit-chat if his intention is to introduce friends to you. Maybe cos his taste is western and yours Asian? No offense but do you wear A, HelloKitty stuffs; B, frilly / ribbony stuffs; C, shop in Ladies market??

Even if you nod your head on any of the above, so what. I still think you should use the money (he gifted it to you, mind) and shop in Zara and all the nice shops in Ocean Terminal or IFC. I prefer western clothes anyway - they are so much more complimentary on the figure, whether you are white, yellow or orange, and easy on the eyes.

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FunchalPP 18 yrs ago
You can always ask him for the reason and then make a decision whether you want his cash gift.

Just take up the offer of meeting his friend's wife, have a good meal, window shop together & make a new friend. We can always do with advice/feedback in our wardrobe selection,but make own decision.

As mentioned by others, if you go to Zara, there are lots of choices.

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