how to start?

Posted by polkadots25 18 yrs ago

ok i have this crush on a friend and i reckon

he likes me just that due to the fact that

my ex-bf and him are doing business together

hes kinda scared to ask me how do

i start you know being friends with i

start sending silly forwarded emails or what?


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helinski 18 yrs ago
NO!!! Definitely no silly forwarded emails! That'll turn someone right off.

Organise a group of friends to the theatre or dinner, and invite him along. Or, next time you say him, say 'we should catch up sometime over coffee' or something and then call him up.

Good luck!

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polkadots25 18 yrs ago
im 25 , hes 30

hmmm we are both trying to figure out what our

common interest are i guess...hes overseas at

the moment so im thinking of establishing something

via email...his relationship with my ex , they are

just friends..

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