Is fidelity so hard??

Posted by weelee 18 yrs ago
Is fidelity so hard? Every now and again I surf this website to see what is happening and i find it so sad to hear about so much dis-honesty and infidelity.

Coming from the UK I find it difficult to understand how much cheating blatantly goes on here. I am not saying it doesn't happen in the UK, all i am saying is that if it does happen, it is kept very hush hush.

Personally I wouldn't cheat on anyone who i loved and was in a serious relationship with. Why? Well i would never want to mess up a good thing. If things were to go wrong I believe i would be man enough to discuss it with my partner before just doing the dirty. I would also expect her to dump my sorry ase if i did cheat, because one thing is for sure; I would not tolerate being cheated on myself and would dump her ase in a shot. Why? because life is too short to be wasted.

So please comment on why you think parts of asia are rife with infidelity. Is it because there are so many working girls? is it because there is a higher ratio of woman? is it because "what is good for the goose is good for the gander?".

I a

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unsure 18 yrs ago
I think it is because a bit of everything you mentioned. The environment here is so different. Things like relationship tend to be less serious than elsewhere. Plus the pressure from work, some people are thinking "what the heck!!??".

It is true it is extremely sad to see so many couples breaking up due to cheating. But I think it all depends on individual's integrity and perspective on relationship. I, myself, can not live in a cheating relationship, does not matter who is the cheating party. Cheating simply make relationship cheap and nothing to look forward to.

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salubrious 18 yrs ago
important to remember that these threads are not necessarily representative of the population as a whole. Could it be that it's always extreme cases that get highlighted?

I suspect the majority are good people treating their partners well and spending plenty of time at home with the family.

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wakatipuqt 18 yrs ago
i think serial cheaters (watch out for them - they always have unhyphenated triple barrelled names, lol) will cheat whenever opportunity could be in a 5 door town or a 5 million door town.

I grew up in a small seaside village where affairs were rife. maybe it was the sea air or the lack of entertainment...or the power cuts.

in some ways it must be worse for people resolving affairs in a small town as i figure the gossip must be harsh...but people still do it.

can you use location as an excuse? if anything, moving to a new country with your spouse should bring you closer together...shouldn't it?

maybe some marriages are doomed before they even hit hong kong's smoggy shores.

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