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18 yrs ago
My partner and I are now separated by over 8ooo miles and 7 hours time difference. I would like to hear about how we can continue to show affection and romantic gestures. Or even share a hobby or game. Any ideas or stories?
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hey PinkPanda
My partner and I spent nearly 18 months in a long distance relationship (London, Hong Kong) - 7 hours time difference too... it wasn't easy but it was ok... we found lots of texts helped us stay in contact and playful... good luck!
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Kate, it's nice to know I'm not the only one. Thank you for your suggestion.
Aijin, Wouldn't I love to do that soon. Great idea! It put a big smile on my face.
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My fiance and I have been separated now for 21/2 years and 12 hours time difference. He's in Hong Kong, I'm in Canada. We talk on the phone on a daily basis and send emails regularly. Our relationship is absolutely awesome which is good because this will go on for another few years. We make certain that we see each other very frequently. I fly there, he flies here or we meet in the middle in Europe. there are some fabulous websites out there with ideas for maintaining LDR's and others that just talk about romantic ideas and those two can easily be combined. The best one of all is which has really neat things that you can do. I read an article last week that says that 8% of Canadians are in this type of relationship, in both unmarried and married states. That's food for thought if you ask me.
The key to all of it is absolute trust in your partner. Ignore all the naysayers who tell you that this type of relationship is doomed and just have fun with it !!
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thanks temtationgirl. im starting to have that one too the LDR and start to loss hope too. When i've read your blog u give me hope girl and thanks for that..wish me luck girl:)
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Skype video conference. Free as long as you both have a computer, a webcam and an Internet connection. Voice is one thing. Actually seeing each other is another.
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I was in a long distance relationship for a year, 8 hours difference, Hong Kong and Birmingham. I don't think you can have a real relationship with someone cross continents. I think relationships are about sharing your life with someone, complaining at them for leaving dirty socks all over the floor, snuggling down to watch tv together, and you can't do anything like that living in different continents. I told my boyfriend if we have a long distance relationship again, then it's clear that we're not meant to be together.
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I love my LDR. I have freedom, he has freedom and the romantic quotient is high. we see each other every 6-10 weeks generally for 10 days at a time. I think every 4 weeks would be a bit better, but this works pretty well. I think if you are looking and waiting for marriage,kids etc then a LDR might not be so wonderful, but if you're like me and have those notches on your belt, this is a great way to live your life but know that someone out there is truly, madly, deeply..... but I still say the key thing is TRUST !!
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My then fiance, now husband and I were away from each other for 10 months, also Hong Kong -Birmingham; 7-8 hrs. apart. It was hard but at the end of the 10 months we found out we were expecting and pushed forward the wedding. We now have a beautiful little boy and a marriage strengthened by the fact that we spent 10 months of the time we were dating longing for and appreciating each other's presence.
We Skype'd a lot. Played Word Racer online (kinda like boggle) got phone cards and it was generally great to grow along with someone but in different ways. It kept our relationship interesting. As silly as it may sound, communication is more important now than ever -- even for the little things!
My hubby suggests speaking every day isn't entirely important but just something small, near enough every day is, even if it's only a txt message enough to tide you over and keep thinking of them because being that far away you do have to lead different lives and you need that little something to keep you going. For guys treating girls the net has made it easier to send flowers and treats but try and do something personal (the post office is always there!) ; girls this means you can also send your guys something (There's always or
What was also nice was to watch a movie or read a book that we really liked separately and to send the other it via amazon or
Good Luck and if it's the right person it's TOTALLY worth it.
Nashua & Angus Gallagher
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What makes you think that my online name has anything to do with my relationship?
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chat over skype with a webcam...
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here,i'm not the one apart from 2 places with BF,also we have 13hours time difference( shanghai--panama) ,just casue his visa problem he had to back and apply for visa after olympic games...i think maybe long dstance is a very good test for love,may every net friend here can cross the distanceand have happy ending with our lover!
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