My ex is pissing me off

Posted by Lynn_in_Beijing 18 yrs ago
I broke up with him recently, but it's been long enough for the dust (and the hurt) to just beginning to settle.

Then one day, I was at work, he talked to me on MSN. He told me that the girl he cheated on me with sends me an apology through him...

Somehow that did NOT make me feel better at all. In fact, my tranquility has been shattered. I'm hurt and angry and jealoused all over again.

All these emotions are over the fact that he talked about it with the girl he cheated on me with and the fact that he is insensitive enough to resurrect the old nightmare for me.

I'm a really proud girl, it's so hard for me to think that she must be out there laughing at the fact that she hurt me (I never let her knew she hurt me badly, too proud).

Now that she knows, and I feel ashamed, bare naked and really really hurt.

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georgie10 18 yrs ago
Lynn, dont know what his motivation was in telling you (or hers for that matter). Is this the same dude that cheated with the anorexic? They deserve each other! Block contact as the previous xpat suggested and NO COMMUNICATION. If he still feels the need to contact you then there is something still there for him. If he cant get a hold of you then, it will drive him nuts. Of course you feel hurt and exposed but DO NOT FEEL ASHAMED. They should be - and him particularly for his treatment of you. Perhaps they broke up and she genuinely feels sorry for you (seems odd for someone still involved to send an apology....)and found out too what a dill he is. What a loser. Girl, get out there. You sound really normal and nice.

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DakLak 18 yrs ago
Post his name and address along with a balanced description of what he did.

Then Google, and all the other search engines, will happen by and his infamy will live forever!

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marieantoinette 18 yrs ago
He's trying to stir up a reaction from you by saying that. Maybe he feels you've moved on too fast and his old ego is dented. Just the fact that he still contacts you makes him sound like one of those "drama kings", as in he wants to leave a trail of pain behind him wherever he goes...he doesn't care if exes think badly of him - just don't ever forget him! Which of course, is exactly what you should do...good luck, with no reaction, he might up the ante....

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DakLak 18 yrs ago
Flashback, if your comment "posting defamatory information about someone" referred to my earlier post, re-read it.

If someone is behaving badly the 'victim' is allowed to take appropriate action - like contacting his e-mail providers abuse@ line.

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souffleQueen 18 yrs ago
Try fighting by not fighting back. Silence can be the best repartee.

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