Is it ever ok for a man to punch woman?

Posted by worried1 17 yrs ago
If a woman hits a man because she is being verbally abused and pushed to her limit, does the man have the right to punch her back? I know hitting is not the way to go in the first place, but is a man justified in hitting a woman in a situation?

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worried1 17 yrs ago
Thanks, I know this is a tricky one. His excuse is that i hit him first. I didnt hit him hard, i just wanted him to stop putting me down, and i reacted the wrong way, i know that. I never thought he would hit me though. He punched me that hard that he actually left a bruise. I think im still in shock. I never thought i would be in a situation where my husband would insult me that bad that i would resort to hitting out at him in anger, only for him to hit me back 10 times harder. Maybe he thinks im fair game for anything now that im his wife. He always said he would never hit a woman, but i saw another side i dont like, its a big red flag in my mind. He will defend his actions by saying i hit him first, but even tho i know i did, i dont think i deserved what i got back and i dont feel good about the whole situation. Do you think most men would hit back in a situation like this or a high percentage of men wouldnt and would take the high road?

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kaileyb 17 yrs ago
Agree with fatkid totally. Answer is a flat NO! No if's, but's or maybe's. If he can hit you once, he can hit you again. This time you might have been left with a bruise, next time, you could end up worse.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 17 yrs ago
Did you slap him across the face? Or just give him an ol' jab in the shoulder? Slapping someone in the kisser is no laughing matter and is (across cultures) viewed as a gross sign of disrespect...cant just expect someone to pull a Jesus and "turn the other cheek". Seems all backwards to then go pull the "woman" card.

I ask because...(sorry to say this) but you simply do not need to slap anyone to begin with. If you slapped him you were showing that you simply were incapable of communicating in any other way...and I find it, although messed up, odd that you would have expected to be able to physically assault someone you know without expecting to deal with any consequences.

Hear me out.

I was beaten as a kid and I have been in my share of adult situations and relationships where I have been manhandled or hit...not pleasant and definitely a sign of genuine disrespect.

Instead of doing the blame game of "Well, I was justified" (as that is what you are looking for, justification from strangers) or like your husband said "Well, you started it!" *SMH* Yeah...instead of looking for some sort of moral support for your initial physically violent response to his verbal abuse, maybe you need to be looking at what the hell is wrong with your marriage to begin with.

Why do you need to know who was right or wrong? Do you know that there are a lot of husbands out there that are physically abused by their wives and do nothing because of just such a stereotype? That they are not allowed to hit back? He was not right for verbally abusing you, you were not right for hitting him, he was not right for hitting you back (you should have known that he wouldn't take this assault on his body and ego lightly AND you probably also know that he's stronger than you hence the fact that his response wasnt a sissy lovetap is not surprising either).

Get help, couples counselling, figure out where your marriage took a turn for the worse...and whether anything is worth working on. I was married to someone that constantly put me down, verbally demoralized me and generally made me feel like crap in my own skin...I didnt respond with violence, one day I simply said I had enough and I walked away.

Never do something out there on a limb and expect that somehow there is no price to pay. If you hit someone, dont be surprised if they hit back...ESPECIALLY if that someone treats you like dirt to begin with. Ask yourself this, "Why are we still together?" *shrug* I agree with someone else...the same as you felt the need to hit him and him to retalliate...this aint the last of it unless you two get your heads to the shrinker...

Good luck! Life is hard enough without being married to someone who feels the need to hit you OR to verbally abuse you. Lesson learned here...dont hit him without expecting he will give one right back at two are married, its like being kids together and being very immature indeed. Talk to someone who can help you sort out how you responded to the stressful situation that put you in all this mess. I am sure you can both learn from the experience.

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joeyclaris7 17 yrs ago
depends what object the woman hit him with... if its just a fist... for peep sake that guy should grow up!

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S119 17 yrs ago
It's never ok to hit a women BUT women should stop thinking it'll never happen to them. We all are wired such a way that if you keep pushing & pushing it will be only a matter of time that the person will break down and react instinctively. It's true men can handle the physical and women can with emotional issues. People only see the end result to pass judgement where as when it actually takes some time to get to this result and with a lot of contribuition from both parties. Anyway when it comes to this point then it is always safer to talk it through with ourselves or a counseller. Then it will your decision. Good luck

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evildeeds 17 yrs ago
It's simple. It's not ok for a man to hit a woman, and it's not ok for a woman to hit a man. Domestic violence either way is a relationship is wrong. End of story. The "I don't think I deserved...." just doesn't cut it.

Work out what is wrong in your relationship, coming here seeking justification is not solving any problems at all. Get counseling, or do whatever it take to work.

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jayinhk 17 yrs ago
He shouldn't have been verbally abusing you, but you definitely shouldn't have hit him. If anyone hits me, I'm hitting back until they stop.

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sapphire26 17 yrs ago
It's o'right as long as u guys do not know each other!But if u do have a relation, it's just not human act.There is no question on equality between man and woman, when it comes to abusement.

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wheelee 17 yrs ago
it depends, A Woman Has the Ability to Kill a Man, also.

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Raven767 16 yrs ago
Only once in my life have I come close to punching a woman. She got angry with me and punched me twice on the jaw. Instead, I slapped the crap out of her and told her to calm down!!! She always got ridiculously irrational over any perceived slight, like using her guest towels. -- We went our own ways a week later. -- PS - She is the only woman I have ever struck.

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Vulvic 16 yrs ago
You got abusement for using her towels??? For peeps sake, what is the world coming to?

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ariellioncub 16 yrs ago
I know this sounds like a paradox but having studied martial arts for years which teaches some degree of self control - my reflexes will cause me to hit back straight away to eliminate the physical threat without me even thinking. I guess it is like moving your hand away after touching something really hot.

In NO way does this condone striking other human beings, especially women, but you must know that people do have reflexes and some actions become involuntary especially as the body tries to defend itself.

There is a big difference if the man hits back immediately as opposed to hitting back one minute later.

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tigerbay 16 yrs ago
There is a term

Beleagured husbands. This is husbands who are beaten up by their wives.

The fact that there is a term for it speaks volumes.

Use of physical violence is wrong. Don't genderize it.

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