Your experience sharing please

Posted by C'est la vie 15 yrs ago
Just wondering where to find those eligible single expat men in their 30's.

Has anybody tried speed dating, or other dating company service (eg. Lunch Ac**ally)? How is your experience?

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cookie09 15 yrs ago
Friday evening Lan Kwai Fong?

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C'est la vie 15 yrs ago
Hmm...LKF could be an option. More chance to see and to be seen. Actually one of my girlfriends met her husband in LKF three years ago and married one year after. That's a rare case though. My observation is that most people only talk to their friends in bars. And most guys, are too shy to initiate a talk to stranger, even you can tell they're interested in you.

I'm not a bar person, that's why I'm thinking about dating/match making services, maybe it is the way to meet singles for serious relationship?

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elsdon 15 yrs ago
I'd have to say it's fairly challenging to find places that would cultivate the ground soil for a healthy relationship. LKF is the place to be to meet people for sure, but the terms and conditions of which you meet are dubious at best.

Some might argue that you yourself create the circumstance you meet in, but I can only speak for myself I suppose. Going out, for most men, isn't a quest for a wife, it's a mission for that night. If you are a realistic person and are willing to weather the gauntlet of a undefined, ominous relationship for a few months, you could power through that into a lasting relationship. A lot of things have to fall into place for this to happen though.

I think that just being out and being around is the best way, live your life and don't go looking for love, it will inevitably find you. (assuming you aren't a wilderbeast and/or anything of that sort.)



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Slammy 15 yrs ago
Hi there,

I would suggest a totally different option. Join a club of something that interests you, or a sport that interests you etc.

I think of all the clubs I've joined, especially the sporting clubs, like Stanley Outriggers for example - very sociable group, and hey you can meet guys who are fit and healthy too!

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C'est la vie 15 yrs ago
I joined a sport club recently, lots of physically fit guys there. I can just be laid back and wait for things to come up naturally – that is the collateral benefit of working out. But will it happen? According to past experience, unless men are fine tuned to that “Relationship” mode, they will just have fun, and not bother to be serious… well, nothing wrong about it, I can have fun with them too. But guys… what makes you think “Relationship”, “Commitment”, “Responsibility” is burden?

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Slammy 15 yrs ago
Hi there,

I would just like to clarify that when I said join a sporting club, I didn't mean a gym - where you go to work out. There's nothing very sociable about that.

I meant something more like groups of people who meeting once a week to go hiking, or jogging together, or like joining a dragon boating team. Team sports, I suppose is what I mean.

I think in a gym, guys are more interested in flexing their biceps and admiring their reflection??? (heheheh)

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janae13 15 yrs ago
try going out for some networking sessions or join friends for gatherings. it might be weird but keep and open mind and just meet new people.

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_sally 15 yrs ago
i think you should consider joining clubs and societies. its not good to meet them in clubs.

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tigerbay 15 yrs ago
OP asks '...where to find those eligible bachelors..?'

Sounds like 'looking for Mr. Right'.

If you go out looking with preconceptions of what you want, you will close a lot of doors to some good friendships and other relationships.

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janae13 15 yrs ago
create a thread titled: looking for eligible bachelors in their 30s

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