Is this true and can these happen?

Posted by veebabe 15 yrs ago
When they said "...while a woman can fake an orgasm, a man can fake a whole relatonship..", does it mean a man can go as far as marry a woman even when he is not in love with her? on what ground woudl a man do that?

Of late, I heard many guys from western countries esp europe meeting southeast asian women - some are past 40 y.o. single women, etc.. meaning, not very bankable in asia, - but these men woudl go for them and marry them after a few months of really getting to know each other physically. So, how can a real man, fall in love online, come to visit the girl and after 4 mos decide he can/will marry her without even really knowing her, much more, they are from different cultures?

So are there many european men on disability pension needing to live and looking for a woman who is looking for love?

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cookie09 15 yrs ago
so you heard about this? lol

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tigerbay 15 yrs ago
A guy may meet a girl, fancy her sexually, fake a relationship for sex only. BUT he would not marry her.

Some men are 'ready' to settle down. Some men fall in love quickly. There is no reason why this sort of relationship cannot lead to a happy sustainable marriage. I know, becuase this happened to me. I met my wife in UK, she is Chinese I am English, we fell in love and got married after 6 months. We were both about 40 yrs old, and so we were not dumb kids. We then came back to China. We have been together for 7 years now, and still planning for our future.

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Evem 15 yrs ago
you must do your best to have your fake orgasm be as much like a real one as possible.

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spurtio 15 yrs ago
and lots of miaowing and moaning is required, because us chaps never realise that it fake either! :-)

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Olympicstyle08 13 yrs ago
A woman cannot fake an authentic "female orgasm", as there is too much fluid squirting or gushing out. That can't be faked, period. It's called "female ejaculation", physiologically.

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Lunatic 13 yrs ago

yes, it can happen indeed, and does all the time. women fake orgasms, men fake relationships, and couples fake lives.

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