How many people do believe marriage in HK ?

Posted by PupMonkey 13 yrs ago
I'm for marriage! Yay! Being married! Yay!

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viper342 13 yrs ago
I'm in for marriage too but sometimes it could be a rough ride. Be responsible and just try to work it out - from both parties, never one sided.

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PupMonkey 13 yrs ago
I'm also for one night stands though. Although, not at the same time! Unless you do it with your husband. Single people can have one night stands but not married people. That's wrong.

I'm almost married!! Yay!!!!

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stefania gutierrez 13 yrs ago
i think marriage can be a trap or heaven ...

but i also think some people are simply not designed for it .

if u end up with one of that kind ....u are sc...d

i dont believe in marriage but i believe in love .


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tigerbay 13 yrs ago
I am for marriage, but I also believe in divorce.

Before I am burned at the stake for being chauvinistic, please read through to the conclusion before you break out the matches and the petrol.

Marriage in China can also be like the legal glue that protects both parties. Some business arrangements in China I am dependent on a Chinese speaking third party. In my case it is my wife who I trust, not some other party who can just run off with my money.

I would also say that in the case of the May - December marriages, with the old expat guy and young girl.

There is a danger that she will take what she can and then divorce. There is solution to this. It sounds awful and chauvinistic, but it fits the case here. Have a baby. The young girl is less likely to take from the old guy, as the old guy is the security for the child's future. And the girl is less likely to run off as she now has a child, and is not so attractive as some other rich guys play thing.

Like I said, the baby thing sounds chauvinistic, but let me give you the example of some Chinese friends. Young wife from poor family, middle aged Chinese business man. The wife's family were creaming off anything they could get their hands on, and the wife was implicated. then the baby arrived, the wife realised that everything the family were taking from her husband, they were taking from her child. All the problems ceased overnight.

That is why I think marriage is so important in Asian cultures. And for expats with local partners.

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stardust333 13 yrs ago
this helps me understand the ancient chinese custom of foot binding their women.

Men in China must know better to keep their woemn in check.

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