50 Dating in Hong Kong

Posted by usawmninhk 14 yrs ago
I'm a single American girl whose lived & worked in HK 15 years. I've invested my time building a successful career and sadly spent little time in establishing personal relationships. Now that I'm ready to concentrate on this area of my life I've come to the sad awakening that being over 50 and trying to find men to date or even establish friendships with is virtually impossible. Believe me I've tried everything from the Personal Section on this as well as other internet sites to pricey match making services. Whilst they have male members over 50 none are interested in meeting women over 50 and the speed dating, coffee, lunch matching services don't even want 50+ females as members. What's a more mature woman in Hong Kong to do?

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Ed 14 yrs ago
We are hoping to launch our group date events in March... we'll get a notice out as soon as we firm up time place etc...

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My Hong Kong 14 yrs ago
Is it possible for you to relocate? I was in a similar situation to yours and left Hong Kong because of that. For a mature, foreign women it is definitely easier to date in a Western country. One, there are more potentially suitable men to choose from. A bigger pool. Two, it's normal for them to date women of a similar age. It's been the best move for my love life. It has not been the best move work-wise. I had more money in Hong Kong.

If you can't relocate, perhaps you can look for someone in a Western country who is willing to have a long distance relationship to begin with and later relocate to Hong Kong. A long distance relationship has its challenges, but it did work for some.

Most importantly, you should know that it's possible to be in a serious relationship and find love at the age of 50.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 14 yrs ago
Yep, my recommendation too is to move!

My partner is Dutch and when the folks split up in their 50's they didn't have to wait longer than a year before both were hooked up with new partners of a similar age.

So its obviously easy as chips out there.

You are fighting a lost cause hoping that a 50 something man would date a 50 something woman here if he were given a choice. Most women I know, divorced and creeping up to their 50's are also able to get young guys who are dipping into the MILF catagory, so even they don't find a man in his 50's attractive, its all as*backwards here.

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tigerbay 14 yrs ago
Difficult one.

Moving does seem drastic, especially with the global economy so uncertain.

Thinking out of the box for a moment. Here are some ideas, one or two not mainstream, to consider.

Have you tried singles bars/clubs (membership type). The age group back home is mostly 50 upwards. I don't know the scene in HK.

Or as others suggest, internet. Look at men back home. Also consider what you are looking for. It sounds like you don't need a bread-winner, as you can handle this on your own. As such you can look for a GOOD man (with a similar outlook on life to you), in a job you may not have considered.

For example, there are some family loving, moral, non-profane blue collar workers. They could be divorced for no fault of their own, and god forbid, unemployed. There could be small town, arm-chair travellers. They may be more mobile and willing to join you in HK without working, or screwing around.

People laugh at teachers in Asia. But not all teachers are burnouts, nor in a mid-life crisis with yellow fever, or gay. They will often have middle-class values, just no big pay-cheque, and maybe not an ambitious person.

I am not saying you should lower your standards, as regards personal values. But you can lower the bar with regards to financial status or even social class (people do marry across the classes as well as races).

I don't know if you have any leanings towards a faith. But Church has always been a place where people meet partners.

Sports and other clubs. Not so much the gym, but squash, badminton. Maybe a bridge or backgammon club. People go for the sport etc. But these activities (unlike the gym) require interaction, and this leads to socialising.

Chambers of Commerce social events are also a good way to network socially.

And so (believe it or not) is Toastmasters International. I joined and the demographic is Chinese men and women from 30-50, and expat men of mostly 50 plus. These expat men are usually university teachers and some senior managers, who like to help people (nice values). There are also some very nice older Chinese gentlemen (for the cynics there are many genteel Chinese, they are usually in government or universities).

Like I say, some off the wall suggestions perhaps.

But you can cast your net wider, without lowering your values.

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glan 13 yrs ago
I'm a western guy 63 years old and I'm looking for a women 50+. But I'm focused on Asian Ladies. Obviously I'm already too long in Asia and find Asian women over 50 much more attractive than western women.

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