bleeding heart

Posted by polly.polly 14 yrs ago
clock clicking... am counting every second... here to ask, if anyone knows how to stop the tears and heart bleeding when you know your loved one is exactly this moment making love to his another gf in Mainland now?

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tigerbay 14 yrs ago
Be a surgeon and cut the thing that is causing pain out of your life.

Then wait to heal. Time is a healer, honestly it is. I know you are in pain now, but remember the clock never stops ticking.

Eventually you will say to yourself, and know it is true, that you had a lucky escape from a bad man.

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tinyteddy 14 yrs ago
agree with tigerbay, cut the cancer out, if impossible you can also do something to make him cut you off, posting his nude photo on the internet is always a good one, (just kidding)

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Loyd Grossman is Miss Venezuela 14 yrs ago
Dry your eyes Polly. Plenty of other men. I would suggest taking some hard exercise - enough to tire you out and make you relaxed. That should ease the pain a bit. This may seem like a big deal now but it will definitely go away and later you will wonder what all the fuss was about. We have all been there.

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badnstupid 14 yrs ago
Hi Polly,

I agree with LGIMV, there are plenty of nice men out there waiting for you, you are not married to this guy, you have choice.

Go and make new friends, good luck to you. :)

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MrsWong2b 14 yrs ago
Polly, you need to think what you're worth. Are you worth waiting for a man who has so little respect for you that he cheats on you and tells you?

Or are you worth a man who will treat you with respect and will be devoted to you.

You do not have to settle for a cheat.

It is better to be alone than to be with a man who is not right for you. It might be scary to make that break and go out on your own, but you must do what's best for you.

Prioritise yourself. Do what is best for Polly.

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