Post break up advice on custody and child support

Posted by Misilun 14 yrs ago
Can anyone give me an idea of how I should arrange child support from my ex, what to take into consideration and what is the 'norm' in Hong Kong? I haven´t had the baby yet but we have split and I have all these questions on the financial side of things as well as the custody side, visitation rights etc.

We were not married so dont think any 'legal' advice would apply to my situation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. If you´ve gone through the same, than please share your experience. I obviously want to be fair and stay amicable as much as possible.

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Justin Credible (Part Deux) 14 yrs ago
"We were not married so dont think any 'legal' advice would apply to my situation. "

Unfortunately, the above is where you are wrong.

If you want child support and wish to agree upon visitation rights, legal advice is exactly what you need. Just coming up with an agreement jotted down on a napkin doesn't legally ensure he will pay you anything at all for the upkeep of the child and it doesn't mean anything more about visitation either.

Married or not, he is still the father and if you wish for financial support, there will have to be a claim to or proving of paternity and unless you two are really upstanding and intend on doing all this without legal knowhow, then...well...I guess you could take your chances.

I am sure that if you BOTH wish to keep things amicable and do everything in the best interests of the child, then something could certainly be worked out between you two. But its always smarter to have a legal agreement on this too. Because who is to say in the future one of you or both decide you wish to move to other countries, or you remarry and there is a partner who isn't nearly as can get messy without there having been an agreement in the first place that wasn't more than verbal.

Good luck.

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